Archive for the ‘Caterpillars and Butterflies’ Category

Lovelable Caterpillar


Another adorable craft that Hailey made at VBS.  They made the cutest things!!

Spotted Butterfly


Hailey made this very simple butterfly and it came out cute.

She painted circles onto a butterfly shape.

Then we used a hole puncher to punch out different colored circles.  She added those to the butterfly and then added some antenna.  (She mixed glue into the paint so that the little circles would stick.)

The finished butterfly

Caterpillar Craft


We have been so busy trying to prepare to move that doing crafts has been pushed to the side.  Last week while we were staying with my parents looking for a house my mom watched Hailey us for us so we could go house hunting.  One afternoon while we were out looking we came back to find this adorable craft my mom made with Hailey.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

To make it- you take an egg carton (3 sections) and cover it using watered down glue and tissue paper.  Then add pipe cleaners and a picture of your little cutie.

From Caterpillar to Butterfly


In case anyone is wondering what else we do around here besides crafts, I thought I’d share.  Caterpillars and butterflies have been our theme for the last 2 weeks.  We did several caterpillar art projects (Paper Towel Caterpillar, Caterpillar Name and an Egg Carton Caterpillar) as well as several butterfly art projects (Coffee Filter Butterflies, Butterfly Finger Painting and a Butterfly Sun Catcher).

In addition to our crafts we did the following activities:

We played a butterfly counting and matching game.

Hailey practiced spelling her name on butterfly shaped paper.  (Side note- I usually only use uppercase for the first letter in her name and lowercase for the rest.  But I had these completely made and covered in contact paper before I realized I had used all uppercase letters and I was not going to re-do it.)

We also read a lot of caterpillar and butterfly books.  While I thought some of these might be too old for Hailey she loved them.  Here are some of her favorites:

My, Oh My--A Butterfly!: All About Butterflies (Cat in the Hat's Lrning Libry)

“My, Oh My–A Butterfly!: All About Butterflies” by Tish Rabe

“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle

Monarch Butterfly by Gail Gibbons (1991)

“Monarch Butterfly” by Gail Gibbons

“The Butterfly Alphabet” by Kjell B Sandved

I made some butterfly life cycle sequencing cards for Hailey too.  She enjoyed naming the stages but didn’t understand the concept of putting them order, which I did not expect her to, but it was fun anyways.  If you’re interested in the cards I used- you can get them here –> butterfly life cycle sequencing cards.

And the main focus of our caterpillar to butterfly theme was this:

Day 1

Day 3

Day 5

Day 8

Day 13

Later on in the day of Day 13

Day 16- we let the butterflies fly away.

So, that’s what we’ve been up to.  This week we also started our official “Tot School” and I will be starting to post about our activities next week (I’m usually about a week behind in posting what we’ve been doing).

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