Archive for November, 2012
Letter of the Week- Letter M
Our letter this week is the letter M- and as usual I found a cute idea over at No Time for Flash Cards. We changed it just a bit, but the idea is the same. We made a Mountain M.
Here’s what you’ll need: construction paper (brown, yellow, white, blue, 2 greens), markers, glue and scissors.
Make an M on the green paper.
Give your child some markers (or whatever you want to use) to decorate the M.
While Hailey was coloring her “M” I cut these out from the other construction paper- 2 white pieces for snow on the top of the mountain, some trees and a sun.
Cut the M out and glue it onto the blue construction paper and then add some clouds (cotton), the sun, trees and snow.
Here’s the finished Mountain M.
The Mayflower
I saw this cute Mayflower craft over at Ramblings of a Crazy Woman. So after we read a book about Thanksgiving and talked about what the Mayflower was we made this project.
You’ll need: construction paper, craft sticks, glue and a brown crayon.
Color the boat.
Glue on the water.
Add the boat and the sails.
The finished Mayflower.
Indian Corn
We made some really easy Indian Corn.
You’ll need: Indian corn shape cut from paper bag, glue, ribbon, construction paper cut into squares.
Glue the colored squares onto the Indian corn.
Once they are dry, tie a ribbon around the Indian corn and display.
Gobble Gobble
Here is another cute turkey idea I found over at Ramblings of a Crazy Woman.
Here’s what you’ll need: construction paper, glue, brown paint, google eyes, paper plate, paper bowl for paint and something to paint with.
Paint the paper plate brown.
While your child is busy painting, cut out some feathers, feet and pieces for the face.
Glue on the feathers.
Add the turkeys face.
The completed turkey. I hung Hailey’s turkey up in our family room and she was so proud to see it there.