
From Caterpillar to Butterfly

In case anyone is wondering what else we do around here besides crafts, I thought I’d share.  Caterpillars and butterflies have been our theme for the last 2 weeks.  We did several caterpillar art projects (Paper Towel Caterpillar, Caterpillar Name and an Egg Carton Caterpillar) as well as several butterfly art projects (Coffee Filter Butterflies, Butterfly Finger Painting and a Butterfly Sun Catcher).

In addition to our crafts we did the following activities:

We played a butterfly counting and matching game.

Hailey practiced spelling her name on butterfly shaped paper.  (Side note- I usually only use uppercase for the first letter in her name and lowercase for the rest.  But I had these completely made and covered in contact paper before I realized I had used all uppercase letters and I was not going to re-do it.)

We also read a lot of caterpillar and butterfly books.  While I thought some of these might be too old for Hailey she loved them.  Here are some of her favorites:

My, Oh My--A Butterfly!: All About Butterflies (Cat in the Hat's Lrning Libry)

“My, Oh My–A Butterfly!: All About Butterflies” by Tish Rabe


“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle

Monarch Butterfly by Gail Gibbons (1991)

“Monarch Butterfly” by Gail Gibbons

“The Butterfly Alphabet” by Kjell B Sandved

I made some butterfly life cycle sequencing cards for Hailey too.  She enjoyed naming the stages but didn’t understand the concept of putting them order, which I did not expect her to, but it was fun anyways.  If you’re interested in the cards I used- you can get them here –> butterfly life cycle sequencing cards.

And the main focus of our caterpillar to butterfly theme was this:

Day 1

Day 3

Day 5

Day 8

Day 13

Later on in the day of Day 13

Day 16- we let the butterflies fly away.

So, that’s what we’ve been up to.  This week we also started our official “Tot School” and I will be starting to post about our activities next week (I’m usually about a week behind in posting what we’ve been doing).

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4 comments on “From Caterpillar to Butterfly

  1. teaching tinytots on said:

    cool! we have 4 caterpillars that we found in the yard all 2 are different and 2 are the same so we can’t wait till they cocoon and see if we have a butterfly or moths!

    great activities!

  2. I was wondering how you store your finished crafts?

  3. I am curious about the butterfly matching game. How does it work exactly?
    I’m excited that you have joined totschool! 🙂

  4. How cool was that to be able to watch a caterpillar turn into a butterfly!!!

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