Archive for the ‘Tot School’ Category
And We’re Done!
Hailey’s last day of 4th grade. How is it possible she’ll be in the 5th grade in the fall??
“When I grow up I want to be a dancer, actress, and artist.”
Hunter’s last day or pre-k. I can’t believe he’ll be in kindergarten in the fall.
“When I grow up I want to be a coffee man.”
Harper on her last day of Tot School… until September when she gets to do Tot School again.
A is for Alien
When Hunter was learning the letter A, we made these really simple aliens. First the kids colored a coffee filter with washable markers. Then, they sprayed a light mist of water over the coffee filter, which caused the colors to spread together. Once they were dry they added some different shapes to create their aliens. Hailey’s is on top, then Hunter’s is on the left, and Harper’s is on the right.
Super simple, super cute 🙂
Preschool Weekly Wrap Up- Letter S
Back in January we had the letter S for our letter of the week. I didn’t take many pictures of the activities we did, and since it’s been a while, I don’t really remember much :-/
So, here are the few pictures I did take:
Hunter and Harper both made discovery bottles that looked like a snowstorm.
Hailey, Hunter, and Harper all made a snowstorm painting. They dipped shower puffs into white paint and stamped it onto some paper.
Hunter had fun playing with his bristle blocks.
Just because they are too cute 😉
Hunter put snowflake stickers onto the letter S.
I assume it was a fun week, but it’s been too long for me to actually remember hahaha
Preschool Weekly Wrap Up- Letter W
Our first week back to school in January after our Christmas break, we focused on the letter W. A couple days into the week we (Rich) decided we were taking a trip to Disney World, leaving in a couple of days. So, our letter W activities got put on hold and finished up when we got home from our trip. Here are the activities we did:
We focused on the book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak for the week. I love to pick one book for our focus book and then read it everyday and base our activities around that book.
We used the Where the Wild Things Are pack from Royal Baloo. We rolled a die and then Hunter stamped the number that was rolled.
Harper always likes to be a part of whatever Hunter is doing.
Hunter made a little book about the Wild Things that he could read all by himself.
He used water colors to paint a W.
Harper kept busy by playing with stickers.
Hunter did a shadow matching game. Some of the wild things were pretty hard to match up, but he did great!
Harper working on her writing.
I put out some different colored shapes in the colors of the Wild Things and the kids created their own Wild Thing.
Hailey’s Wild Thing
Hunter’s Wild Thing
Harper’s Wild Thing
We had lots of fun learning about the letter W!