Archive for the ‘Letter of the Week’ Category

Letter of the Week- Letter M


Our letter this week is the letter M- and as usual I found a cute idea over at No Time for Flash Cards.  We changed it just a bit, but the idea is the same.  We made a Mountain M.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Here’s what you’ll need: construction paper (brown, yellow, white, blue, 2 greens), markers, glue and scissors.

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Make an M on the green paper.

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Give your child some markers (or whatever you want to use) to decorate the M.

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While Hailey was coloring her “M” I cut these out from the other construction paper- 2 white pieces for snow on the top of the mountain, some trees and a sun.

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Cut the M out and glue it onto the blue construction paper and then add some clouds (cotton), the sun, trees and snow.

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Here’s the finished Mountain M.

Letter of the Week- Letter D


Our letter last week was the letter Dd.  Here are some of the activities that we did.

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Hailey used the Do-a-Dot art to decorate the letter Dd.

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We played with Playdough and used a cookie cutter D to cut out the letter D.

For our alphabet book we made a D is for Doctor bag that we saw over at Homeschool Creations.

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You’ll need: white, red and black construction paper, scissors, tape, glue and some (child safe) doctor supplies.

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Here is Hailey working on putting the medical supplies into her doctor bag.  (She was sick last week, so this particular day happened to be a pajama day!)

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The outside of her D is for Doctor Bag.

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The inside of her Doctor bag.

We also ate some donuts to go along with the letter D, but I forgot to take a picture.

Letter of the Week- Letter C


Our letter last week was the letter C.

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We colored the letter C template.

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Hailey worked on making a C is for Clock that I found at Homeschool Creations.

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Here is our finished Cc is for Clock.  I printed the clock face from here and Hailey cut it out.  We added some hands to the clock.  Then we added a pendulum which is just yarn and construction paper.  Then I cut out a little clock base for her to glue on.

I had a lot of other letter C activities planned for last week but time just got away from us.  We had places to go almost everyday.  Plus last week was Hailey’s 3rd birthday.  So, we just ran out of time to get any other letter C activities done. We did manage to get some of our Fire Safety activities done, so check back to see what we did.

Letter of the Week- Letter B


Our letter that we focused on last week was the letter B.

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We started the week out by painting the letter B blue.

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I found a cute B is for Bumble Bee craft over at Homeschool Creations.

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Our finished Bb is for Bumble Bee.  We used construction paper for his body and head.  Hailey cut out the stripes to go on the body.  His wings are made from wax paper.  To decorate his head we added some yarn for the antennas and some google eyes.

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We also made this “B is for Bandaid Butterflies” paper that I saw over at Homeschool Creations.

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Our finished B is for Bandaid Butterfly.

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Each week I made 4 index cards with some words to go with our letter of the week.  Hailey is practicing her letter B words.

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