Archive for the ‘Pumpkins’ Category

Preschool Weekly Wrap Up- Letter P


Back in October Hunter learned all about the letter P and pumpkins.  Since it’s almost Valentine’s Day I thought it was the perfect time to finally get it posted haha

Our Crafts N Things

He painted a plate and then added some shapes to make a pumpkin face.  Apparently his pumpkin in sad.

Our Crafts N Things

This little cutie loves to be a part of our homeschool day 🙂  She likes to sit on the table to make sure she is the center of attention.

Our Crafts N Things

We worked on a pumpkin life cycle activity.

Our Crafts N Things

Hunter’s finished pumpkin life cycle.

Our Crafts N Things

We sang a fun song about 5 little pumpkins sitting on the fence.

Our Crafts N Things

As we sang the song Hunter took the pumpkins off and counted to see how many were left.

Our Crafts N Things

Hunter glued pennies onto the letter P.

Our Crafts N Things

I had some pumpkin number cards and I called the numbers while Hunter jumped off the couch onto the number I called.

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Another pumpkin activity

Our Crafts N Things

Adding some pieces to show what is inside the pumpkin.

Our Crafts N Things

Hunter’s finished pumpkin to show the different parts of the pumpkin.

(Printables from Pumpkin Patch Palooza)

It was another fun week of preschool!

Third Grade in Review


Our Crafts N Things Third Grade

Here are some of things we have been up to.  These activities are almost a month old, I just can’t keep up anymore!

Language Arts:

Our Crafts N Things Third Grade

 We read my favorite Halloween book Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman and then Hailey did this beginning, middle, and end activity.

Our Crafts N Things Third Grade

We used some activities from the pumpkin unit at The Razzle Dazzle Classroom.  For this activity Hailey pretended that she went to the pumpkin farm and picked out a pumpkin.  When she got it home is grew legs and started walking around.  Hailey wrote a little story and then made a pumpkin.  Harper loves this pumpkin and she smiles at it, laughs at it, and talks to it whenever she sees it hanging on the wall.


Our Crafts N Things Third Grade

We have continued our study of Ancient Egypt.  We followed the directions at Creekside Learning and mummified a Barbie.

Our Crafts N Things Third Grade

It was messy, but fun.

Our Crafts N Things Third Grade

Hailey added some amulets just like they did in Ancient Egypt.

Our Crafts N Things Third Grade

The completed mummified Barbie.

Our Crafts N Things Third Grade

And just for fun- Hailey as a mummy.


Our Crafts N Things Third Grade

Using printables from The Razzle Dazzle Classroom, Hailey made a book about the life cycle of a pumpkin.

Our Crafts N Things Third Grade

After reading several books about the life cycle of a pumpkin, she described each step in the process and drew a picture to go along with it.

Our Crafts N Things Third Grade

On Halloween, Hailey made a self inflating ghost using an idea I saw at Mama Smiles.

Our Crafts N Things Third Grade


Our Crafts N Things Third Grade

Hailey did this fun Spooky Sums math paper on Halloween.  I wrote out the questions and then used a white crayon to put the answer inside the ghost.  After Hailey did the math problem she used water colors to paint the ghost to check her answer.

We’re actually working on Thanksgiving themed activities right now.  Hopefully I’ll get those posted before Christmas 🙂

Week in Review


Here are some of the activities we have been doing lately:

Week in Review


We had so much fun doing our Thanksgiving unit and I am really sad that we’re all done with it. But, I’m excited for all of the fun stuff we’re going to do during December!

Thanksgiving Activities

I saw this idea on First Grade Parade– isn’t it so cute!  We read “If You Sailed on the Mayflower” and then put interesting facts on our Mayflower.

Thanksgiving Activities

Then Hailey (and Hunter) made a cute Mayflower.

Thanksgiving Activities

Hailey’s was turned into a book of Mayflower facts.

Thanksgiving Activities

She picked 5 interesting facts and then wrote a sentence about the fact and drew a picture of it.

Mayflower Activity

We also made this fantastic Mayflower which Hailey and Hunter absolutely love!!

Pilgrim Craft

We made this really fun Pilgrim Craft and talked about what it was like to be a Pilgrim girl or boy.

We also used the Plimoth Plantation site and read about what the children did for fun.  We read that they enjoyed gliffes, which are like tongue twisters.  So, we had a lot of fun and laughs trying out some tongue twisters.

Language Arts:

Week in Review

Hunter loves reading time and always stops to listen to Hailey read.  We are going through these Emerging Readers pretty quickly.  Rather than spreading them over 5 days, Hailey has been reading them in 1 or 2 days.  She really enjoys reading the books and I think it is helping to build her confidence by reading these easy books.  We’ll be moving on to the harder books soon!

Week in Review

We played an Irregular Plural Nouns Go Fish game and Hailey won – she was just a little bit excited.  It was a great way to reinforce what she had been learning.


Week in Review

Math is definitely Hailey’s least favorite subject.  I try to find ways to make is fun for her, but she really doesn’t enjoy it.  We played a clock matching game- she had to find the time on the clock and then match it with the time in words (half past 3).  It ended up being really hard but she still seemed to enjoy it.


We did a pumpkin unit for science and used the Pumpkin Patch Palooza unit from Mrs. Jump.


Hailey counting the lines on her pumpkin as part of a pumpkin investigation.


Hailey’s completed paper.


We also cut open a pumpkin to explore the inside.


We described the inside and outside of the pumpkin.


We roasted pumpkin seeds with the seeds from the pumpkin we cut open.  They turned out yummy!


Hailey read a little pumpkin book to Hunter to help him learn the life cycle.


We read “Pumpkin Jack” and then made our own Jack.  It’s sitting in this container so that we can observe what will happen over time.


 We also planted some pumpkin seeds and some corn seeds to see which one will grow faster and taller.  I am just hoping something will grow!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.

Tot School


Hunter is 23 months old.

Tot School

It’s hard to believe that November is almost over!  We started doing tot school last January and I can’t believe it’s been almost a year.

Tot School

Hunter’s letter was G this week.  We added it to our tree and he was able to find it and point it out.

Tot School

Hunter made a G craft for our letter wall.

Tot School

G is for Giraffe

Tot School

Our color this month was yellow.  Hunter knows his colors now, so I will probably stop having a focus color next month and just make sure we do a lot of reviewing so he doesn’t forget.

Tot School

We have been learning all about Thanksgiving, and Hunter made this Mayflower.

Mayflower Activity

Hunter also helped to make a Mayflower boat- you can see the Mayflower post here.  Hunter loves it!  He loves sitting in it and it’s funny to hear him say he’s sitting in the Mayflower.

Tot School

We also learned all about pumpkins this week and Hunter really enjoyed that.

Tot School

The pumpkins are attached to this little board with Velcro.  We sang a little song to go with our pumpkin patch to the tune of “Oh My Darling, Clementine.”
I saw a pumpkin, a big fat pumpkin
It was hanging on a vine
[Hunter] came along and picked it
Took it home and said, “It’s mine.”

Hunter loved picking his pumpkins 🙂


We also cut open a pumpkin to see what the inside was like.

Tot School

Hunter really enjoys reading books from our book basket.

Tot School

We made a little book about how pumpkins grow.  This book came from the Pumpkin Patch Palooza unit I am using with Hailey.


We also planted some pumpkin seeds… we will see if anything happens.

Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots were up to this week.

Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.

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