Archive for the ‘Homeschooling’ Category
Home School in the Woods Review
Hailey has been studying United States history this year and we have both had a lot of fun and learned so much. With the presidential election coming up I knew I wanted to add some information about the election to our studies. I was so excited when we were given the chance to review HISTORY Through the Ages Hands-on History Lap-Pak: U.S. Elections from Home School in the Woods. We have used Home School in the Woods before and really enjoy their products, so I was super excited to get started!!

The U.S. Elections lap-pak will take you and your child through the election process. You start out by learning the definition of election and move on to understanding the different kinds of government that there are. Some of the other topics covered include:
- The Three Branches of Government
- Suffrage
- Caucuses and Primaries
- The Presidential Campaign
- Election Day
- The Electoral College
- Inauguration Day
as well as many other topics that pertain to the election.
There is a 24 page booklet that you print for your child that covers the lessons. You will also receive the lessons on audio, so you can just listen to the lessons rather than read them. Along with the booklet, there are 21 different lapbook projects to be completed. These hands-on activities really help your child to remember what was learned in the lesson. You will also receive very detailed written directions as well as pictures to show you how each activity is put together. I really appreciate the visual of how to put each project together since I need to see it in order to understand what I am supposed to do.

The U.S. Elections lap-pak is for children in grades 3-8, but it could certainly be used with older children, as I have also learned a great deal from the projects we have created. When you purchase the lap-pak you can choose between a downloadable version or a CD. Either way, you will be printing all of the materials, so keep that in mind.
So, here is how we have been using HISTORY Through the Ages Hands-on History Lap-Pak: U.S. Elections:
I started out by printing all of the project directions for myself. Then I printed the first several lessons as well as the booklet. You will need a variety of colored and white paper as well as colored and white cardstock to print the lapbook projects on. We are putting the lapbook together as we complete the activities, but you can also store all of your work, until you have finished it all, and then put the lapbook together at the end.
Each day that we do one of the lessons we read the section in the booklet about our topic for the day. Hailey did some of the reading, but for a 4th grader I found I had to stop her often to explain what she was reading. So, for us it works best for me to do the reading so I can pause and make sure she understands what we are talking about. Then, for each lesson there is a lapbook project to complete. Usually Hailey will work on coloring it or cutting things out while I read.
Here is a sampling of the some of the activities Hailey has worked on:
We learned about the American Experiment which explained how the U.S. government was formed. It took ideas from the Greeks, Romans, and English, and used those ideas to create a new kind of government.
Hailey learned about the different people we vote for- the president, vice president, senators, and representatives. This project has a wheel that turns and for each elected office the requirements for the person running are explained.
Hailey learned about the three branches of government- legislative, executive, and judicial. She learned what each branch is responsible for.
Another lesson was about how the candidates are chosen and we learned how caucuses and primaries work. It is really neat to be working on all of this and learning about how all of the election process works, while we are seeing things happen in real time with the election.
We have not finished the lapbook yet as we are only about half way through the projects. Here are some pictures of what the lapbook looks like so far:
Inside with the 2 side flaps open
Inside, under one of the flaps.
Here are some pictures of what the finished lapbook will look like, just to give you an idea of all of the amazing projects that are included:

We have enjoyed working on this election lapbook so much! I love the hands-on activities and feel that we just learn better that way. It’s great to read the information, but when you then make a fun project to go along with what you are reading it is much easier to remember what you have learned. One day when Rich came home from work he asked Hailey what she had learned about during school. She got her election lapbook out and proudly showed him what she had done so far. She was able to explain everything she had worked on, which is exactly what I want her to be able to do.
Hailey’s opinion of the U.S. Election lap-pak– “It was a lot of fun to make all the projects. I liked being able to color and make things about what I was learning.”
I love, love, love the hands-on materials made by Home School in the Woods and I would highly recommend this U.S. Elections lap-pak as a great way to teach your children how the election process works.
For more information about Home School in the Woods, check out them out on social media:
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First Day of School!
Hailey- 9/9/15- First day of 4th grade!
“I want to be a dancer and an actress when I grow up.”
Hunter- 9/9/15- First day of Pre-K
“I want to be Batman when I grow up.”
Harper- 9/9/15- First day of Tot School
I’m pretty sure she wants to be a climber when she grows up.
All ready for our first day of co-op! And looking forward to a great year!!
Crazy Hair Day
During the last month of our homeschool co-op we did a different fun thing for spirit month each week. One of our favorite weeks was crazy hair week. Our homeschool co-op is on summer break right now, but since I never shared these pictures I wanted to share them now.
Hailey’s crazy hair.
Our original plan was to use pipe cleaner and put a braid around the pipe cleaner so that the braids would stick out. But, when I tried to do it, her hair was just too long and heavy to stay up.
Hunter’s crazy hair.
All morning while we were getting ready for co-op Hunter said he was not going to have crazy hair. As we were getting ready to walk out the door he decided he wanted to do it too.
Harper’s crazy hair.
It was such a fun day!!
Third Grade Weeks in Review
Here are some of things Hailey has been busy learning about over the last couple of weeks.
Language Arts:
We used the Johnny Appleseed unit from The Razzle Dazzle Classroom to take a little break from our regular language arts curriculum. We read several books about Johnny Appleseed and learned about what a tall tale is. Hailey made this cute craftivity to show what she learned about him.
A little closer look
We also read “Amelia Bedelia’s First Apple Pie” and then Hailey described the characters, setting, problem,
steps to solve the problem, the solution, and her opinion of the book.
We have been studying all about Egypt and made a representation of the Nile. This is what it looked like after 1 week. Hailey flooded the Nile again.
We took a break from our Egypt study to learn about Columbus Day. We used a unit from The Razzle Dazzle Classroom for this too- I just love her stuff!
This is the inside of the lapbook that we made.
We did this fun experiment as Hailey is learning about light and reflection- there is a clear plastic container with water in it on the edge of the counter. There is a fork on the bottom of the container. When you kneel down on the ground and look up at the surface of the water the fork looks like it is upside down the on the surface of the water.
We did this demonstration to see how a lunar eclipse works. The flashlight is the sun, the big ball is the earth, and the little ball is the moon. Hailey was able to see how the earth is the the path of the sunlight.
So there is a little look at a few things we have been working on in 3rd grade.