Archive for the ‘Letter C’ Category
Tot School
Hunter is 22 months old.
My Tot School post is a bit late this week, but sometimes life just gets in the way… Last week we had a death in our family, someone much too young to die. She left behind her husband and their almost 4 year old little boy. In addition she left behind her sisters and parents, and no parent should ever have to bury a child. So, it was a very sad and hard week for us. Other than the posts I had already set to auto-post I didn’t do any blogging. We would definitely appreciate your prayers.
Here are the activities we did last week:
On Columbus Day we learned about Columbus and made a map.
Hunter also made a boat for Columbus Day. You can see my original post with our Columbus Day Activities.
Hunter’s letter of the week was C.
He made this cute Crab that I saw on Totally Tots.
Hunter also glued some cement trucks onto the letter C, using the printables from Royal Baloo.
Hunter is learning the color orange, so we used the printables from Royal Baloo to make this orange page.
We have been learning about fall and leaves, and one day Hailey and Hunter dressed all in green to show the color of chlorophyll.
We sang a fun fall song and played in some fake leaves.
We also made a cute fall tree craft, using leaves to paint.
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots were up to this week.
Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.
Letter of the Week- Letter C
Our letter last week was the letter C.
We colored the letter C template.
Hailey worked on making a C is for Clock that I found at Homeschool Creations.
Here is our finished Cc is for Clock. I printed the clock face from here and Hailey cut it out. We added some hands to the clock. Then we added a pendulum which is just yarn and construction paper. Then I cut out a little clock base for her to glue on.
I had a lot of other letter C activities planned for last week but time just got away from us. We had places to go almost everyday. Plus last week was Hailey’s 3rd birthday. So, we just ran out of time to get any other letter C activities done. We did manage to get some of our Fire Safety activities done, so check back to see what we did.
Letter of the Week- Review
This week we are reviewing letters E, F, G and H. So I don’t have a new letter to share. Instead I am going to share the activities we have done for all of the letters so far. I will include links to the original posts. Many of our letter of the week crafts come from No Time for Flashcards.
Review of A-D
Last week we reviewed the letters A-D. Here is a look at some of the activities we did to reinforce the letters.
We used our letter cookie cutters and cut out the letters A-D.
Hailey sorted the letters A-D.
We started putting together Hailey’s book of ABC’s using the letter projects we did during the week we focused on that letter.
For each letter, Hailey glued the letter template that she has decorated onto construction paper and then put it into a page protector. Then she also added her letter project. When we finish the whole alphabet I think we’ll have a pretty cute book!