Archive for the ‘Halloween’ Category
Happy Halloween!
Here’s a little look at our Halloween cosutmes this year:
Minnie Mouse
Third Grade in Review
Here are some of things we have been up to. These activities are almost a month old, I just can’t keep up anymore!
Language Arts:
We read my favorite Halloween book Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman and then Hailey did this beginning, middle, and end activity.
We used some activities from the pumpkin unit at The Razzle Dazzle Classroom. For this activity Hailey pretended that she went to the pumpkin farm and picked out a pumpkin. When she got it home is grew legs and started walking around. Hailey wrote a little story and then made a pumpkin. Harper loves this pumpkin and she smiles at it, laughs at it, and talks to it whenever she sees it hanging on the wall.
We have continued our study of Ancient Egypt. We followed the directions at Creekside Learning and mummified a Barbie.
It was messy, but fun.
Hailey added some amulets just like they did in Ancient Egypt.
The completed mummified Barbie.
And just for fun- Hailey as a mummy.
Using printables from The Razzle Dazzle Classroom, Hailey made a book about the life cycle of a pumpkin.
After reading several books about the life cycle of a pumpkin, she described each step in the process and drew a picture to go along with it.
On Halloween, Hailey made a self inflating ghost using an idea I saw at Mama Smiles.
Hailey did this fun Spooky Sums math paper on Halloween. I wrote out the questions and then used a white crayon to put the answer inside the ghost. After Hailey did the math problem she used water colors to paint the ghost to check her answer.
We’re actually working on Thanksgiving themed activities right now. Hopefully I’ll get those posted before Christmas 🙂
Halloween Party
Even though Halloween was last week, I figured I would still post what we did for our party. We had a lot of fun!
We decided to paint our pumpkins this year instead of carving them. Hunter painted his green so it could be Mike from Monsters Inc.
Hailey painted hers blue so it could be Sully from Monsters Inc.
Sully and Mike… Hailey did most of the work and she did such a good job!
For our party we had some yummy, unhealthy snacks. There were apple slices too, but they weren’t as popular as the cookies and donuts.
We listened to Halloween music and danced 🙂 Hailey wore her costume, she was Ariel. Hunter insisted on wearing his Lightning McQueen pajamas instead of his Spiderman costume.
I hung donuts up on or deck and we tried to eat them without using our hands.
We played “Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin”
We played a spider toss game- we threw little plastic spiders onto the web and then added up our points to see who won.
Rich had fun playing all of our games too 🙂
We also make these cute spiders- you can see my Spider Glyph post here.
It was a fun party!!
Also, coming up-K5 Learning has an online reading and math program for kindergarten to grade 5 students. I’ve been given a 6 week free trial to test and write a review of their program. If you are a blogger, you may want to check out their open invitation to write an online learning review of their program.
Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.