Archive for the ‘Birthday Parties’ Category
Spa Slumber Party
Back in October, Hailey had her 9th birthday. 9 sounds so very grown up to me… Anyway, she wanted to have a spa/slumber party for her birthday.
Rich hung up some lights in our family room, and I hung up some spa decorations.
This is actually a table, made to look like a bed for all of the junk food and goodies at the party.
The yummy cupcakes
This was a Pinterest idea that didn’t quite turn out… hahaha… We used marshmallows and tootsie rolls- it was supposed to look like bottles of nail polish, which I suppose it does. Just not quite the same as what we saw on Pinterest.
Hailey all ready for her party, waiting for her guests to arrive.
One of the crafts the girls did- they painted and decorated their initial. The little purses on the table were their favor bags.
It was a super fun night full of nail polish, make up, mud masks, movie watching, giggling, eating junk food, and staying up very late!
Minnie Mouse Birthday Party
It has been over 2 months since Harper’s first birthday party, and I am just getting around to posting pictures. I keep telling myself that I am going to catch up on my blogging, but there just doesn’t seem to be time to do it.
Harper loves Minnie Mouse, so we decided on a Minnie Mouse themed party.
Harper’s chair all decorated for the occasion.
Napkins made to look like Minnie’s bow
Pink candy buffet
The table for all of the food… which I forgot to take a picture of it after I put all the food out.
Harper’s birthday cake
The “Mouse-ka-tools” for eating.
The little birthday girl
“It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to…”
Ready for some yummy food
She didn’t like her birthday hat 🙁
Hunter said he would wear the hat for her, haha
I can’t believe she’s already 1!!
Showing us that she is 1.
Trying out the slide
Some of the kids at her party enjoying the trampoline
Big sister Hailey
Some of the other guests
Harper’s smash cake
Not too sure what to think
She didn’t know what to do with her cake
Pa talked it over with her and tried to explain 🙂
Finally Uncle Nick put her hand into the cake
Then she understood 🙂
Opening some presents
Harper had a great first birthday!!