Archive for the ‘Book Report’ Category
Education Fair
Our homeschool co-op group has an education fair each year. The kids are able to pick any subject that they have learned about for their projects, so it is not just a science fair. Here are the projects that Hailey and Hunter made this year:
Hailey read Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith. She created this board as a book report to tell all about the book.
Hunter had been working on a farm unit and created this board about who lives on the farm. Of course he had a little help with cutting things out, but other than that he did the work on his own.
I am very proud of how hard both of them worked!
Third Grade Weeks in Review
It has been a while since I posted about what Hailey has been doing in school. I am having a hard time figuring out how to fit everything in that I want to do these days. Having a newborn in the house sure does make it harder to get everything done. She is a super good baby, there is just so much more to do. Anyway, here is a quick review of what we have been up to over the last several weeks.
Language Arts:
Hailey has been learning how to diagram sentences in language arts. Actually, I have been learning it too because I never learned in school how to do it.
Working on her cursive handwriting.
Hailey finished reading Capyboppy and her assignment when she finished the book was to create what a DVD cover for a movie of Capyboppy would look like.
We also finished reading Mrs. Pigglewiggle. When she finished that book she had to write a friendly letter telling someone about the book.
She drew a picture of her favorite part of the book- which was the “fighter-quarrelers cure” where Mrs. Pigglewiggle told the parents to argue and act like their kids were acting to cure all the fighting the kids were doing. We really loved reading Mrs. Pigglewiggle, it is definitely a favorite!
We are still having a lot of fun with our science curriculum. We are using Science in the Beginning and it is working well for us.
Hailey was doing an experiment where she had to put a white piece of a plastic garbage bag and a black piece of a plastic garbage bag in the sunlight for 5 minutes and then check to see what happened.
Hailey has also been busy working in her science journal.
We are using Veritas Press and Story of the World for history and both are working great for us.
After Hailey learned about the Tower of Babel, she did a craft to create her own using the idea I found here.
We have moved on to learning about Egypt and there are so many fun activities to do with Egypt that it is very easy to get carried away!
Hailey made a model of the Nile. In the middle is the Nile and on the sides we put some grass seed. Hailey also added some large rocks to represent mountains. Each week will flood our Nile to represent how it flooded every year.
Then Hailey also used some clay and wrote her name using Cuneiform.
We took a field trip to learn how donuts and apple cider are made. Hailey and Hunter enjoyed trying a delicious donut and some yummy cider!
We saw donuts being made.
We watched how cider is made.
Hailey checking out a piece of apple pumice.
Hunter and Hailey checking out the pumpkins at the end of our field trip.
Week in Review
Here is a little bit of what we’ve been up to lately:
History/ Language Arts:
We have been preparing for our upcoming vacation to Disney World, so we read Who Was Walt Disney? We really enjoyed reading this book, it was so interesting! Even Hunter sat and listened to it most of the time.
After we finished reading the book, Hailey did a book report in the shape of a Mickey Mouse head. On one ear she wrote the name of the book and who the author and illustrator are. On the other ear she wrote when and where Walt Disney was born and when he died. On the other papers she wrote 3 adjectives to describe Walt Disney, a question she would like to ask him, her favorite quote from Walt Disney, and a timeline of his life.
Hailey has been learning all about roller coasters and how they work. We used an Amanda Bennett unit study all about roller coasters and had a lot of fun with this unit!
Hailey drew some pictures of different kinds of roller coasters.
We did one test where we used 2 different ramps- one long…
…the other short. We checked to see how far the car would go after it came off each ramp, and which ramp would send the car further.
Hailey used several different websites for fun roller coaster activities.
We did another experiment. This time we used the same ramp each time. First we put one book under the ramp, then 2 books under the ramp, then 3 books under the ramp and finally, 4 books under the ramp. Hailey predicted what she thought would happen, then we tested it to see what would happen and measured the results.
We finished up the unit by making this roller coaster lapbook that covers everything Hailey learned about.
Hailey and Hunter made some little clay bowls for Mother’s Day. First they shaped the bowls, and while the clay was still wet, they added beads and sequence. Once it dried, they used water colors to paint.
The completed bowls, they turned out cute.
Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.
Windsock Book Report
We finished reading “The Sword in the Tree” by Clyde Robert Bulla a few weeks ago and Hailey did a book report about the book. She created a windsock book report, which turned out cute. I found the idea here and changed things a little bit, but used the basic idea.
This is the windsock laying flat so you can see what is on it. The top section has the name of the book, the author and some illustrations about the book. Then on the strips below- the first one is left blank, the next one tells the setting, then the main characters, then a problem in the story, the solution, and finally the genre of the the story.
The completed windsock hanging up.
Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.