Archive for the ‘Sonlight’ Category

Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue…


Hailey is studying US history this year and we are both absolutely loving it!  We are using Sonlight, and I have to say this is the first time I am not even considering switching curriculum.  I love the books we read together and we have both learned so much!  Since Sonlight does not offer a lot of hands on activities I do add those in, as Hailey loves doing those too.

Our Crafts N Things

Back when we were learning about some of the explorers who came to America, we studied Christopher Columbus.  In addition to reading books about him, Hailey worked on a map that showed the route Columbus took when he landed in America.

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This is her completed map (from an activity book called Interactive 3-D Maps: American History).

Box Day Fun


After much time spent researching, I decided to use Sonlight for both Hailey and Hunter next year.  So, I placed our order and soon after our boxes arrived.  We love box day- it’s so fun to get our new curriculum!

Our Crafts N Things

Hunter was very excited to get his box.

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He started checking out all of his new books right away.

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Hailey was very excited about her box too.

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She couldn’t believe how many books they were able to fit into the box.
I ordered some summer reading for her too, so she got started reading her summer books right away.

I am definitely not wishing away the summer, but we are excited to use Sonlight in the fall!!

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