Archive for March, 2012
Trying to Come Back
I have not dropped off the face of the earth 🙂 I am trying to come back and start posting regularly again. In my crazy mind I thought I would be doing fun crafts and activities with Hailey while the new baby (Hunter) happily cooed and watched. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
What really happened- Hunter was born, I had shingles, Hailey and Rich had the stomach bug, Christmas came, I got a staph infection, it went away, then it came back again… so you see it was a little crazy. Once the craziness settled down I found out that Hunter was going to be a colicky baby. I have had to pretty much hold him all the time and even then the screaming has been pretty unbearable. But, it seems that around 3 1/2 months the colickyness is over. I hope!!
So, I am trying to get back to my regular posting 🙂