Archive for July, 2009
Letter of the Week- Letter V
We have not been around much lately as we are doing some work on our new house and preparing to move in. We only had time to get one activity done this week. Our letter this week was the letter V and we made a V is for Volcano craft.
Here’s what you’ll need: construction paper, glue, scissors, marker
Make a large “V” and a whole bunch of little “V”s.
Glue the V onto the construction paper.
Add the little “V”s- and try to make them look like the lava coming out of the volcano.
The completed Volcano V.
Letter of the Week- Letter U
Sorry that we disappeared all week! We were enjoying family from out of town at the beginning of the week and then on Wednesday we finally had our closing for our new house- so we’ve been a bit busy! We probably won’t be around a whole lot next week either while we get settled in. But we did have time to do one activity this week- our letter of the week was the letter U. I showed Hailey some choices for a craft we could do and she picked to make the Unicorn U that we saw at No Time for Flash Cards.
Here’s what you’ll need: a U and a horse shape in a color of your choice, a horn for the unicorn, another piece of construction paper, paint, glue and something to paint with. We used silver glitter paint- it dries very sparkly looking.
Paint the letter U.
Paint the horse. (By the way- my mom drew this horse for us since I have no artistic ability! Thanks mom!)
Glue everything together- and here is your Unicorn U.
Tot School- Week in Review
Hailey is 32 months old.
Here’s what we’ve been up to over the last week:
We drew a little town on the patio- we had some stores, a church, a school, a house, a playground, roads, etc. Hailey played for a long time driving her cars on the road and putting her little people in the buildings.
Hailey took her grass that we planted in a cup several weeks ago and planted it outside.
She found a worm and held it for a little while before letting it go and watching it dig back into the dirt.
Hailey made a T is for Train picture for our letter of the week.
We had a failed attempt creating some fireworks for the 4th of July.
We made some sparkly fireworks that turned out pretty.
We finished the week by making an American Flag.
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to find more ideas to keep your tots busy.
Happy 4th of July!
We made a flag to celebrate the 4th of July.
Here’s what you’ll need- construction paper, star stickers and glue.
Cut out some red stripes and a blue square.
Add some star stickers to the blue square.
Glue the red stripes onto your white construction paper.
Enjoy your flag.