Letter of the Week- Letter B
Filed in Letter B, Letter of the Week
Our letter that we focused on last week was the letter B.
We started the week out by painting the letter B blue.
I found a cute B is for Bumble Bee craft over at Homeschool Creations.
Our finished Bb is for Bumble Bee. We used construction paper for his body and head. Hailey cut out the stripes to go on the body. His wings are made from wax paper. To decorate his head we added some yarn for the antennas and some google eyes.
We also made this “B is for Bandaid Butterflies” paper that I saw over at Homeschool Creations.
Our finished B is for Bandaid Butterfly.
Each week I made 4 index cards with some words to go with our letter of the week. Hailey is practicing her letter B words.

Hello! Is your wonderful ABC poem book still available? I pinned it but cannot find it on this current page. Thanks!
I am trying to find the guided reading templates ( like the “H is for Hippo” page i keep seeing on pinterest) can you please advise where I can find this?
Thank you!
Bonnie Sanchez
The H for hippo copyright at the bottom says confessionsofahomeschoolmom, I think.