Archive for the ‘Cooking with Preschoolers’ Category
Preschool- Letter E
Apparently, I didn’t take very many pictures of our letter E activities because I don’t have a lot to share. So, here are some of the activities we did for the letter E.
Hunter practiced his cutting by cutting apart some elephants.
Hunter eats scrambled eggs for breakfast every day so I cut his eggs into an E shape.
He made this “E is for earth” craft. First he colored a coffee filter with blue and green, then we sprayed water on it so that the colors would run together.
I made these cute chocolate eggs. I just melted some white chocolate, then put a yellow M&M in the middle.
Hunter glued eyes on the letter E.
Hailey hid some plastic eggs in our backyard and Hunter did an egg hunt and found all of the eggs.
We only have letter R left to complete Hunter’s name. Then we will take a break from letters until we start back to school in the fall. Our focus this summer will be on reading lots of books and doing activities related to what we are reading.
(All letter E printables are from Confessions of a Homeschooler and 1+1+1=1.)
Bear Wants More
One of Hunter’s favorite books is Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson. We had a lot of fun reading it almost every day and doing bear activities during the winter. Since spring is here, I thought it would be fun to do some activities to go along with the book Bear Wants More by Karma Wilson.
Hailey usually wants to join us for our activities, so if she is all done with her work I let her have some fun with us too. She read Bear Wants More to Hunter many times.
We got out our cave we made during the winter that had the hibernating bear in it and Hunter woke him up for spring time.
Since new grass grows in the spring, Hunter played in some grass seed.
The bear ate some grass in the story, so Hunter planted some grass.
Hunter cut some grass and practiced his cutting skills.
Hunter ate fish and berries, just like the bear. He was roaring in this picture since he was getting ready to eat like a bear.
At the end of Bear Wants More the animals decorated for a spring party. Hailey and Hunter made some daisies to decorate for our own party. We used cupcake liners and they painted the middle of them yellow.
Hunter helped me to make a honey cake for our party.
We hung up some more daisy decorations.
The completed daisies that Hailey and Hunter made, and Hailey all ready to eat her yummy piece of honey cake.
Hunter ready to eat his honey cake.
This book was so much fun! We had a great time together doing these activities.
Caps for Sale
We have been having so much fun picking a book each week and doing activities based on that book. Our latest book was Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina. We read the same book everyday, which is just what Hunter loves to do. Then, I plan art projects and various activities based on the story we read. Sometimes Hunter cooperates and wants to do the activities and other times he says he just wants to play. Here are some of the things we did:
Hailey read the book to Hunter and they both really enjoyed the story. We also found it on YouTube and Hunter liked watching it there when Hailey and I were not available to read it to him.
Hunter tried to balance a book on his head, the way the man in the story balanced the caps on his head. It was definitely harder than he thought it was going to be.
I went into Hunter’s room and came out with all of his hats on my head, holding a fake mustache, and saying, “Caps for sale! 50 cents a cap!” Hailey and Hunter thought it was pretty funny, so they both had to try it too.
Hailey selling some caps.
Hunter selling some caps.
In the story the monkeys take the caps away from the man. Monkeys eat bananas, so I wanted to come up with a banana snack to go along with the story. I saw the idea to make chocolate covered bananas at Delightful Learning. We didn’t follow her directions but they still turned out nice and yummy!
I also saw this idea at Delightful Learning. Hunter painted a tree brown,
then we glued it onto some paper, and he made monkeys using his fingerprints.
Hunter insisted that the tree needed the man and his caps- so we added those too.
We made this lapbook about monkeys last year in Tot School, so I pulled it back out and we had fun looking at all of the monkey activities he did.
Caps for Sale is cute book and we enjoyed reading it and doing all these fun activities!
P is for Pizza
Since our letter last week was P, I thought it would be fun for Rich to make one of his delicious pizzas with Hailey.
Hailey spread the sauce.
Added a variety of cheese and spices.
Then ate some of her delicious pizza.