Archive for the ‘Letter Q’ Category

Tot School


Hunter is 28 months old.

Tot School

Letter Q Activities:

(Printables for the letter Q are from 1+1+1=1 and Confessions of a Homeschooler.)

Tot School

Hunter colored his Q paper.

Tot School

 Hunter used colored pencils to color the quilt.

Tot School

He stamped the letter Q onto the queen paper.  (He kept asking where the boy was to go with the queen.)

Tot School

He filled up the letter Q with sequence.

Tot School

Hunter loves using his do-a-dot markers.

Tot School

We made a Q is for queen.  When he finished making the queen he asked if we could make a boy for her.


Tot School

Hunter had a bin of buttons this week.  He spent a while looking over all over the buttons.

Tot School

He also had a bin with bottle caps.

Tot School

I put some shampoo in a ziploc bag and Hunter enjoyed playing with it.


Tot School

Playing a matching game with a quilt.

Tot School

Some shape practice.  Hunter really surprised me and wanted to do this activity several times.

Tot School

ABC puzzle with some help from Hailey.

Tot School

Hailey read “No, David” to Hunter.

Tot School

Hunter wanted to color a picture of a boy to go with the Q for queen we made.  He thought for sure she needed to have someone.

Tot School

Hunter’s Lego people did some traveling around the world.

Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots were up to this week.

Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.

Letter of the Week- Letter Q


This week our letter was the letter Q.  I thought a Queen would be really cute, but since we just made a P for Princess last week I thought we should do something else.  So, we made a Quilt.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Here’s what you’ll need: construction paper with a Q on it, glue, squares of construction paper in various colors, another piece of construction paper. 

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Put glue all over the Q.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Glue the squares all over the Q.  This is a great time to also talk about colors and the square shape of the papers.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

After the entire paper was covered in the squares I cut out the Q.  The reason I did it on yellow paper was so that I would be able to see the black lines through the back of the paper.  So be sure to use a light colored piece of paper.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Q is for Quilt.

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