Archive for March, 2009
Caterpillar Craft
We have been so busy trying to prepare to move that doing crafts has been pushed to the side. Last week while we were staying with my parents looking for a house my mom watched Hailey us for us so we could go house hunting. One afternoon while we were out looking we came back to find this adorable craft my mom made with Hailey.
To make it- you take an egg carton (3 sections) and cover it using watered down glue and tissue paper. Then add pipe cleaners and a picture of your little cutie.
Tot School- Week in Review
Hailey is currently 29 months old.
We have been busy getting ready to move but I have really been trying to make sure I get in a few Tot School activities with Hailey. Here’s what we did this week with links to the full posts about each activity:
Our letter of the week was L and we made a letter L with Lines on it.
We finished up our transportation theme this week. We made this fun train.
And we had a lot of fun making an airplane.
For our last art activity for the transportation theme we made this school bus.
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots have been up to this week.
My Plan
My plan was to have a bunch of cute Saint Patrick’s Day crafts to share with you over the next few days. But I just ran out of time this week to get any done. And now we are out of town looking at houses as we prepare to move so I won’t be doing any crafts this weekend either. So instead- here are some links to some great crafty sites with some actual St. Patrick’s Day crafts:
Once we get home I’ll be back to posting crafts again, hopefully more regularly.
School Bus
For our last art project in our transportation theme we made a school bus. Last summer when we did a theme of songs we made a school bus for The Wheels on the Bus. It was really cute so I decided to do the same project again.
Here’s what you’ll need: construction paper- black, blue, white and yellow, glue, scissors, chalk and black marker.
- Leave the blue piece of construction paper whole for the background.
- Cut the yellow piece into the shape of a bus and cut out a yellow rectangle to be the door. Outline the yellow rectangle with the black marker and then draw a line down the middle.
- With the black piece of paper- make a road and draw lines on it with the chalk. Cut out wheels and bumpers for the bus.
- With the white- cut out windows and cut out 2 small circles for the inside of the wheels.
This is Hailey last August working on her school bus. Look at how little she is. I can’t take it! Will someone please slow down this ride???
And here she is now adding a wheel to her school bus.
Adding some windows.
The finished school bus.