Archive for January, 2011
Hearty Groundhog
Here’s a cute and very simple activity for Groundhog day:
Hailey adding eyes to her groundhog.
The finished heart shaped groundhog.
Letter of the Week- Letter P
Our letter of the week last week was the letter P. Here are some of the activities we did:
We looked through fliers and found things that started with the letter P and Hailey cut them out.
Hailey colored letter P word cards, cut the pictures out and then glued them onto index cards.
We do these for every letter. When it’s all dry I staple it together and make a little book.
I saw a cute P is for Peacock over at No Time for Flashcards. Hailey used her Do-a-Dot markers to decorate the feathers.
The completed P is for Peacock.
Hailey practiced writing the letter P and circled words that started with P.
We made a piano- Hailey drew some lines on a white piece of paper.
She cut some black strips of paper and glued those on.
The completed P is for piano.
We added the letter P to our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree.
Hailey practiced her shapes on this pizza coloring paper.
Then we made a pretend pizza- Hailey painted a paper plate red then added all sorts of toppings.
The finished pizza.
For more fun ideas to do with your preschooler, check these out:
Letter of the Week- Letter S
We’re back!! I haven’t done a new post in so long. Hailey is starting to have a letter of the week in her UPK class and I am going to do activities at home to go along with her letter of the week. So, I want to post those as we do them. Here are a few of the Letter S activities we did:
Hailey had a sheet of pictures with words that started with the letter S. She colored the pictures and then cut them out. Then she glued them on to individual index cards and we turned it into a Letter S book.
Then we made a Letter S Seahorse that I saw over at No Time for Flashcards– first Hailey painted it using water colors.
Then she decorated some shapes and glued them onto the Seahorse.
The finished Letter S Seahorse.
Hailey used her Do-a-Dot markers to make this letter S. You can get the downloads for every letter of the alphabet over at Confessions of a Homeschooler.
We also played this Alphabet Game that I found at Confessions of a Homeschooler. You have to roll the die and then move your person to the letter. Then you say the letter you landed on, the sound it makes and something that starts with that letter. Hailey loved it!