Archive for the ‘Discovery Bottles’ Category
Preschool Weekly Wrap Up- Letter S
Back in January we had the letter S for our letter of the week. I didn’t take many pictures of the activities we did, and since it’s been a while, I don’t really remember much :-/
So, here are the few pictures I did take:
Hunter and Harper both made discovery bottles that looked like a snowstorm.
Hailey, Hunter, and Harper all made a snowstorm painting. They dipped shower puffs into white paint and stamped it onto some paper.
Hunter had fun playing with his bristle blocks.
Just because they are too cute 😉
Hunter put snowflake stickers onto the letter S.
I assume it was a fun week, but it’s been too long for me to actually remember hahaha
Tot School
Hunter is 16 months old.
We had another fun week! We are still focusing on the color yellow and Earth Day.
We dyed some rice yellow. I used food coloring mixed with a little vinegar and mixed it up in a ziploc bag with some help from Hunter. The rice looked mostly orange though and I didn’t have enough to cover all of the rice:-( I added some yellow water color and that turned the rest of the rice yellow.
We ended up with an interesting colorful mixture.
I decided that rice is an outdoor activity so Hunter enjoyed playing with it on the deck.
We also made a yellow discovery bottle. You can’t really tell from the picture, but there’s lots of stuff in there- and as long as it makes noise Hunter loves it. So I made sure we included yellow beads so it would rattle when he shook it. Hunter put everything in the bottle- he did really good putting each piece in, his fine motor skills have improved a lot.
Success- he loved it!
We made a paper plate earth for Earth Day… you can see the whole post here.
We also made a vase and flowers using recycled materials.
This was the finished project, mostly done by Hailey but Hunter did help make the flowers. You can see the whole post here.
Check out my Earth Day Pinterest board for more ideas for Earth Day.
Other stuff we did:
It was finally warm enough for Hunter to play in his water table… he loves it!
Hunter does a great job with puzzles and they keep his attention for a long time.
He was a helpful little boy and mowed the lawn for daddy.
He had so much fun playing with bubbles 🙂 I love this picture!
Hunter enjoyed playing in some shaving cream 🙂
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots were up to this week.
Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.
Tot School
Hunter is 14.5 months old
It was another week of sickness at our house 🙁 The only healthy day we had was Monday. So, there wasn’t a whole lot of Tot School being done again.
Our theme this week was the color green and St. Patrick’s Day.
On Monday Hunter enjoyed playing with his green sensory bin. He even brought the peas with him when we went to Hailey’s swimming lessons. Most of Monday was spent doing errands, so that was all we did on Monday. Tues- Thurs Hunter was too sick to do any Tot School- he had a fever and felt awful and just wanted to be held and snuggled all day.
By Friday Hunter was feeling better, although he was still quite whiny, and Hailey woke up sick. We did do some Tot School on Friday, so here are a few pictures of what we did get done:
Hunter made this green Shamrock Suncatcher (original post here.) Hunter loved the sticky contact paper and really understood what he was supposed to do. When he would run out of pieces of tissue paper he would sign “more” and wait for more pieces to add.
I put it up on our sliding glass door that goes to our deck and Hunter loves looking at it!
I saw this idea on How We Montessori so I thought we would try it out. I gave Hunter some of his yogurt melts to put in the tube, which he loved! We also tried several of his smaller blocks and some of those fit as well. I think the thing Hunter liked most about this activity was tearing the tape off and carrying it around. We did this on Friday and he is still carrying around the blue tape today (Sunday). I think he loves the sticky feeling.
We also made these Discovery Bottles- Hailey made one too and then decided she should write their names on the bottles so they wouldn’t get mixed up. Inside each bottle is a St. Patrick’s Day necklace (from the dollar section at Target), pipe cleaner, beads, tissue paper, foam letters to spell their names, yarn and anything else I could find that was green.
The most important thing is that the bottle make noise when Hunter shakes it. He doesn’t like his Discovery Bottles with liquid in them as much as he likes the ones that rattle when he shakes them.
Lastly I used an old wipes container and gave Hunter small rings to push inside. He absolutely loved this activity and it was definitely his favorite of the week. He sat and played with this for sooooo long! He would fill it up with his rings, I would empty it and he would do it again. Over and over and over!
And of course he had to shake it to see what kinds of noises it made.
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots were up to this week. I hope we are back with a nice healthy week next week!
I just started a Facebook and a Pinterest page, so be sure to stop by and follow me.
Tot School
Hunter is 13.5 months old
It was a slow week at Tot School this week. It just seemed like I was so busy there wasn’t much time to do a whole lot of activities. We are considering homeschooling Hailey next year for 2nd grade and I have to admit I spent a lot of time online researching curriculum as well as looking for homeschooling groups in our area. There were also a few appointments last week and it just seemed like we had places to be every day. We did find time to do a few Tot School activities though. Our “theme” was the color red and Valentine’s Day.
We made a Valentine’s Day discovery bottle which Hunter had fun with. I used pink shampoo and some purple plastic hearts. Hunter liked watching the shampoo slowly run from one end to the other.
Hunter made a heart using contact paper and red tissue paper. He loved feeling the sticky contact paper. You can see the full post here.
Hunter also did some mess free painting. I put red paint and paper in a ziploc bag and taped it to the table. He loved it! And there was no mess at all, which I loved!
Hunter enjoyed playing with some red playdough and using a heart to press heart shapes into it.
Hopefully we’ll get a bit more done this week! Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots have been up to this last week.