Archive for November, 2009

Tot School Week In Review


Hailey is 37 months old.

Tot School

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Our letter last week was the letter F- Hailey made a fish bowl that will go in her alphabet book.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

We made a turkey with letters on his feathers that spelled Hailey.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Hailey loved making this Indian corn!

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

After we read a book about Thanksgiving, Hailey made this Mayflower.

Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see more Tot School posts.

Name Practice With Turkey


This was a very easy project that is great for practicing letters and spelling names.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

I cut out feathers for the turkey and wrote the letters in Hailey’s name on the feathers.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Once we were done practicing the letters and spelling her name, we glued the feathers on.

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The completed turkey.

Letter of the Week- Letter F


Our letter of the week last week was the letter F.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

As always we started out by decorating the letter template for the letter of the week.

I found a cute idea at Homeschool Creations that we used for our project that will go in our ABC book.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

You’ll need: construction paper, google eyes, glue and whatever you want to use to decorate your fish bowl.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Glue everything together.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

The finished F is for Fish page for our alphabet book.

Tot School- Week in Review


Hailey is 37 months old.

Tot School

We had a super busy week last week and didn’t have a whole lot of time to get much Tot School stuff done.  We did a few turkey related projects though, so I wanted to share those.  Here are the crafts we did with links to my original posts:

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

We made this Thankful Turkey as a family using our hand prints.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

We made this really cute paper plate turkey.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Hailey made this “Where is Turkey” book that helped to practice words like on, under and beside.

Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see more Tot School ideas.

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