Archive for the ‘Minions’ Category
Weekly Wrap Up
Summer is flying by, and even though I promised myself it wouldn’t happen, I’m getting behind in my blogging. So, here is what we worked on a few weeks ago.
One nice summer day we stopped at McDonalds for Happy Meals after we picked Hailey up from VBS. When we got home the kids decided they wanted to have a picnic. Then they thought it would be fun to have Hailey do circle time outside with them.
In keeping with the trying to keep it fun theme- our work this week focused on all things minions. Anthony and Hunter used do-a-dot markers to decorate a minion.
(Minion printables are from 1+1+1=1)
They cut out the characters from Despicable Me.
Then they sorted the people and minions, and glued them in the right places.
They practiced tracing shapes.
They cut out the characters from Despicable Me and glued them onto their matching shadows.
Anthony and Hunter used Q-Tips to do some dot painting (and to practice their fine motor skills, but don’t tell them that!).
They also colored some Despicable Me coloring pages.
Both boys practice writing their names every day. On this day, every time they traced their name using a different color crayon they earned some M&Ms.
On this day, they used dry-erase markers to practice writing their names on the glass top table.
They also practiced tracing their names written with highlighters.
Table toys continues to be a favorite time for both boys. They will usually sit and play quietly for a while when they use table toys, so this is the perfect time for me to get Harper down for her nap.
My mom sent me some pictures of a cute minion craft she saw on Facebook, so we made these cute minions.
They turned out adorable! It was a fun week, full of minions, and learning.