Archive for the ‘100 Days Celebration’ Category
100th Day of School Art
We had our 100th day of school quite a while ago, back in February. But I am going through my folders and posting things that I have not posted yet and this just happened to be one of the things I need to post.
We did a bunch of super fun activities for the 100th day of school. One of them was this art project.
Hailey had to draw 100 lines and then color them in. Very simple. It kept her busy for quite a while and turned out really nice!
Close up of the drawing
100 Day Celebration
Today was our 100th day of school! I can’t believe we are more than half way through this school year. I wish time would stop going by so fast.
When Hailey and Hunter came out to the dining room this morning they found some 100 day decorations.
All ready for our 100th day!
This was on the first day of school back in September. I can’t believe how much they have changed since then… it seems like so long ago, but such a short time ago.
Anyway… on to some of the fun things we did today.
I gave Hailey 100 cups and told her she had to build something using all 100 cups.
Here is what she came up with- pretty cool! She really enjoyed this activity and asked if she could do it again after school.
I gave Hailey and Hunter a 100 that I cut out and told them to make a picture using the numbers.
Hailey got to work making her picture.
Hunter said he wanted to make a car, so I helped him put it together and he colored it.
Hailey made her picture so that it was a mask if you hold it one way…
…and a dress if you turn it over.
We made a 100 day snack- we took 10 different snacks and counted out 10 pieces of each kind of snack to total 100 pieces.
I saw this cute idea on Around the Kampfire. Hailey made what she thinks she will look like when she is 100 and then wrote a paragraph about what she will be like when she is 100.
This is also from Around the Kampfire. Hailey wrote about something she has been told 100 times and drew a picture to go with it. She wrote about how I told her she could do a pullover on the bar at gymnastics. She has been working on getting her pullover since September and she finally did it last week- we are so proud of her!
It was a fun day! I still can’t believe how fast this year is going by.
100 Days of School Celebration
We celebrated our 100th day of school a couple of weeks ago. Here are some of the activities we did to celebrate the day:
The first thing Hailey did when she came into our classroom was notice that there were pennies all over the place. I had hid 100 pennies around the room. She had to predict how tall she thought 100 pennies would be. Then she piled them up and measured them to check her prediction.
We made 100 day hats.
We used 100 Fruit Loops to make necklaces.
We did a 100 piece puzzle.
We made a little trail mix snack by mixing 10 pieces of 10 different snacks together.
We used Do-a-Dot markers to stamp 100 gumballs.
The finished gumball machines.
Hunter and Hailey working on making pictures using 100 toothpicks.
It was a super fun day!!
Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.