

I used to be make these butterflies with my class every year when I taught Pre-K.  They are so simple to make and always turn out so pretty.

Here’s what you’ll need: coffee filters, markers, spray bottle and water, pipe cleaners.

Color your coffee filters with the markers.  The more color on the filters the better they turn out.  I had to help Hailey to really fill them up with color.

Spray water on the colored coffee filters.  This causes the colors to run together.

We made a bunch of butterflies because I love making them and Hailey loved spraying them with the water bottle.  Once they are dry- just put some pipe cleaner around them to make the body.  You can also use craft clothespins to make the body.

The finished butterfly.

I hung them up from the ceiling in Hailey’s playroom and she loves it!

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7 comments on “Butterflies

  1. Oh, I remember making them growing up! Cute!

  2. jennifer on said:

    My kids love making those too.

  3. Mozi Esme's Mommy on said:

    Very pretty!

  4. mommyto2 on said:

    We just made thes this morning and the kids are having a blast “flying” them around the house. Thanks for an easy craft project.

  5. What a lovely idea!

  6. Oh, and I just added your link on my blog.

  7. Heather @ Not a DIY Life on said:

    Ladybug loves (really LOVES) butterflies, so we might have to try this project.

    Question: at what age did you start Hailey with paints, etc. LB is 15 months old – is that too early? I’d really like to do crafts, especially this winter when we can’t get out as much.

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