Archive for the ‘Fine Motor Activities’ Category
Fine Motor Fun
This summer one of the things I am focusing on with Hunter and Anthony is strengthening their fine motor control. We’re working on having neater handwriting and better scissor control. Hunter also needs to work on his pencil grip. I have tried all the tricks, but he gets frustrated when he holds his pencil correctly because he can’t write as well as he does when he holds it incorrectly. So, I am going to work on strengthening his hands to make it easier to write.
Here are the fine motor activities we did this week:
I put a little circle of playdoh on a paper plate, then stuck some uncooked spaghetti into the playdoh. I gave the kids Fruit Loops and they had to put them on the spaghetti.
Hailey doesn’t need to work on her fine motor control, but she likes to participate in some of our activities.
Anthony really concentrated on getting his Fruit Loops on.
We played a game with mini muffins and a muffin tin.
We played another game with the bear counters and they had to pick up the bears with tweezers.
This was the favorite activity of the week- I gave them spray bottles and a piece of paper. I set the spray bottles on mist and they had to keep spraying until their papers were soaked. After they finished that, they just enjoyed spraying the bottles.
Who knew working on fine motor skills could be so fun 🙂