Archive for the ‘Paper Towel Tube’ Category
Horse Craft
A couple of weeks ago Hailey came up with a bunch of topics that she wants to learn about. The first one she picked is horses and ponies. So, this week she is learning all about horses and ponies. We started out by getting all sorts of books at the library. I had a hard time coming up with art activities to do for horses… so here’s the first thing we did:
Hailey painted this page from DLTK.
Then she painted a toilet paper roll brown.
The completed horse from the side so you can see his tail.
Another view of the horse.
Then since horses eat grass- we planted some grass.
Hailey in our shed getting some dirt for our grass.
Adding just a little bit of grass seed 🙂
Day one of our grass growing experiment.
Hailey loves mazes- so I found some horse mazes for her to do.
Groundhog Craft
I wanted to do some groundhog activities with Hailey and found one that I thought looked cute. But we didn’t have all the necessary supplies and the weather was bad- so we had to make do with what we had.
Instead of a large brown pompom for his head, we used 4 pieces of cotton- Hailey painted them brown and glued them together. We didn’t have any little brown pompoms for his ears and nose either- so we used pink instead. We stuck it onto a large craft stick.
Hailey painted a toilet paper roll brown and put the groundhog inside. He can move up and down to peek out of his hole.
We also played a matching game where you have to match an animal to its shadow.
It's a Plane!
We have been learning all about transportation and today we made an airplane.
Here’s what you’ll need: toilet paper roll, paint, something to paint with, small pieces of cardboard for the wings and (not pictured) black construction paper. Cut slits in the toilet paper roll and insert the wings.
Paint your airplane.
Add some windows by cutting little circles from the black construction paper. I had Hailey just stick them to the wet paint so we could skip the whole gluing step.
Fly the airplane. (Please excuse the mess in the background.)
Chugga Chugga Choo Choo
We are still finishing up our transportation theme. I was really excited the other day because Hailey brought one of her fire trucks to me and said, “This is for transportation.” So I was excited that she really understood what the word transportation meant.
Our latest transportation project was to make a train, which Hailey has been begging to do. I got the idea for this on another website and I can not remember now where it was. If anyone knows please tell me so I can give credit to the other site.
Here is what you’ll need: toilet paper roll or paper towel rolls, 6 index cards, construction paper, yarn, glue, tape, scissors, something to color with.
Have your child color the index cards.
While your child is busy coloring you can cut out some black circles for the wheels and then some other shapes for decorating the train.
Glue the wheels onto your index cards- put 2 on each of 4 of the index cards.
Add some other shapes for the windows.
For the engine- cut a toilet paper roll into 2 pieces- one 2/3’s long and the other 1/3 long. And cut out some more black circles.
Here’s a view of the finished train from the front. I used tape to put most of it together.
And a view from the back of the train.
Hailey loved making this. When she saw it all coming together her face just lit up with excitement.