Archive for the ‘Sensory Activities’ Category
Preschool- Letter R
I was just looking through my pictures and I realized that I never posted this.
This was the last letter we did during our preschool school year- the letter R. So, here are some of the activities we did for the letter R:
Hunter painted some rocks
He used a foam letter R to stamp the letter R onto his paper.
Hunter loved playing in the rice. I am so thankful I set it up on our deck because he made a big mess! But he had a lot of fun.
Hunter stamped Rs onto the R.
He glued ribbons onto the letter R.
He used rubber bands to paint a letter R.
Hunter loved playing with this homemade road!
He worked very carefully using Q-Tips to paint the letter R.
He made an R2D2 (using printables from here).
R is for R2D2.
Hunter practiced his colors by coloring raccoons.
Hunter pretended to be a rocket blasting off.
Then we made a rocket using a soda bottle. We put paint inside and then Hunter shook the bottle.
Then we added some pieces to the outside of the bottle, for a fun rocket.
Hunter used his do-a-dot markers to make a letter R.
We had lots of fun with the letter R!
We’ll be back to working on letters in the fall, but for now we’re just doing some summer activities.
(All letter R printables are from Confessions of a Homeschooler, 1+1+1=1, and Enchanted Homeschooling Mom.)
Five Little Penguins Slipping on the Ice
We had a lot of fun reading Five Little Penguins Slipping on the Ice by Steve Metzger and doing some great activities to go along with the story.
I put out some water and added some blue ice cubes and some penguins. Hunter loved this and played with it for a very long time!
I froze some water on a pan so that the penguins could go ice skating. Hunter didn’t care for this activity too much at first, but once he got into it he really enjoyed it. He even requested to play with it again later.
We propped up the ice and tested to see which toys would slide down the ice. We tried things other than the penguins, but I didn’t get a picture of that.
I made a penguin out of an oatmeal box and provided some fish.
Hunter tried to throw the fish into the penguin’s belly.
I made some shape penguins and laminated them.
As I called out a shape, Hunter had to find it and stand on the correct shape.
Then I added numbers to the penguins
We counted out the appropriate number of fish and put them on the penguin with that number on it.
It was another week of fun here at Our Crafts N Things!
The Snowy Day
One of my favorite winter books is The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats and we recently had a lot of fun doing a unit to go along with the book. Hunter loved the book too, and asked to read it every day.
Here are the activities we did to go along with book:
After we read the book, Hunter made his own snowy day scene.
We mixed up some shaving cream and glue (equal parts) to make some puffy paint and then he added it to his scene.
Hunter’s snowy day scene
In the book, Peter sees the older boys having a snowball fight. It has been super cold where we live, so Hailey and Hunter had an indoor snowball fight using socks.
We also brought some snow inside. Hunter used a stick to make lines in the snow just like Peter did.
We kept the snow inside to see what would happen to it. It melted, just like the snow in Peter’s pocket did.
Then we made some delicious snowflakes. We cut tortilla shells to look like snowflakes. Then I fried them in butter and put cinnamon and sugar on them.
They tasted so good that Hailey and Hunter requested to make them again when Rich came home from work.
Hunter did this paper from Homeschool Creations about which clothes he would wear during winter and summer.
We made this really cool fake snow- you mix shaving cream and baking soda together. I added the shaving cream first and then I stirred in the baking soda until it looked like snow. It was really neat- it could be molded like real snow and it even felt cold. (If it happens to get spilled all over your dining room floor- it does not vacuum up easily. You will end up having to scrub your hardwood floor to get it off. But, it will smell very nice. Don’t ask me how I know.)
Hunter had a great time playing with it. When he was all done using it, we poured some vinegar in it to watch the snow erupt.
We had such a fun time doing this unit!!
Tot School
Hunter is 31 months old.
Letter Y activities:
(Printables for the letter Y are from 1+1+1=1 and Confessions of a Homeschooler.)
Hunter used colored pencils to color his letter Y paper.
Hunter loves the do-a-dot papers and has gotten pretty good at stamping the circles.
He added some letter Y stamps to his Y paper.
We glued yellow yarn onto the letter Y.
Y is for Yo Yo.
Shapes and colors:
Hunter used water colors to decorate his shape paper.
He colored the yo-yos the correct color with his crayons.
Hunter had beads in his sensory bin this week. He used a measuring cup to scoop the beads from one bin to the other.
He put magnetic pom poms onto the Y is for Yarn page.
The pictures in this post are actually from several weeks ago- and it was the week of our last official day of school for Hailey. So, we took some last day of school pictures and this is Hunter on our last day of school.
The top paper in this picture is one that Hunter did on our first day of Tot School back in September and the bottom page is the one he did on the last day of school. It was fun to compare his coloring and his answers to the questions.
Next week we will finish up the alphabet and then we have some other fun activities to do during the summer (until the baby arrives:-)).
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots were up to this week.
Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.