Archive for the ‘Easter’ Category
Some More Easter Fun
We have been doing Easter activities each day this week, and the kids have been having a lot of fun learning all about Easter. I posted earlier this week about the Easter activities we had done so far. Here are the rest of the activities we did:
Hailey read another version of the Easter story from another children’s Bible that we have.
We put painters tape in the shape of a cross on some paper and then the kids painted.
Once they were dry we took the tape off, and these are the completed pictures.
We also made resurrection rolls. We pretended that the marshmallow was Jesus. We rolled the marshmallow in butter and then a cinnamon sugar mixture, which represented the oil and spices they would have put on the body of Jesus after he died.
Then we wrapped the marshmallow up in a crescent roll, making sure to seal all of the edges really well.
Then we baked the rolls. This symbolized Jesus being in the tomb for 3 days.
Once they were done cooking, we took the rolls out, and cut them open…
The roll was empty- just like the tomb!
Then the kids made pictures of the tomb with the stone rolled away.
Happy Easter!!
Easter Activities
We have been busy doing some fun Easter activities this week, so I thought I would share what we have done so far in case anyone is looking for some easy ideas for Easter.
Each day we are reading the Easter story from one of our Bibles. We have so many different Bibles for children and all of them are a little different, so it’s good to read a different one each day. Our first day, after we the Easter story, I focused on Palm Sunday and what happened that day. We acted it out by pretending to put coats and palm branches down on the ground (we used blankets to pretend). Then everyone had a turn to pretend to be Jesus riding on the donkey over the palm branches and coats.
Afterwards we made a very simple craft. The kids glued down a path, then put palm branches (green construction paper) and coats (scrapbook paper) down onto the path.
Then they colored a picture of Jesus riding a donkey to put on the path.
Their finished projects.
The second day I used Resurrection Eggs to tell the story of Easter.
Inside each of the eggs is a a little symbol of part of the story. So, I would tell part of the story and then have someone open a certain colored egg to find the symbol for that part of the story. The kids really enjoyed this activity! Later in the day while Hunter was outside playing he asked if he could come in to do the Easter “actibity” again. They had to do it again later when Rich came home from work so he could see it too.
Then we made a craft. First they colored their papers with Colorix silky crayons (we LOVE these!).
After they finished coloring they added a little bit of water with a paint brush. The Colorix blend together like water colors.
Then we glued on a grassy hill and crosses. This is Haiely’s finished picture.
Hunter’s finished picture
Harper never really finished hers- she’d be happy to color and glue and do crafts all day long.
Be sure to check back and see what else we do this week!
Egglo Entertainment Review
We are having another snowstorm right now so it is hard to believe it, but Easter will be here before we know it. It’s only a little over a month away so it’s time to start thinking about what kind of activities I want to do for Easter. I was able to review Egglo Entertainment which has some new ideas for Easter activities.

We started out with Hailey reading The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure book. The book was a little long, so we used The Egg-cellent Easter Adenture (book audio download) to finish the story when she got tired of reading. The audio download is $2.99 and is 30 minutes long.
Hailey read the Easter story and we talked about it. There is big difference this year in her understanding of Jesus dying for us. She said, “Why do we have to read this story? It’s sad.” But then, of course, she liked the happy ending 🙂
I had gone through The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure Program Guide ahead of time and picked some various activities. The program guide is $14.99 and is basically a curriculum to go along with the book and the Egglo eggs. It is 60 pages long and is full of fun ideas that can be used within your family or church group to help you put together a great learning experience for your children.
Hailey and Hunter loved the snack that we made- we talked about how Jesus had died but that rose again and his tomb was empty. We made the He is Not Here snack, which they both loved making.
The donut represents the tomb and the cookie in front of it is the stone that was rolled away to reveal an empty tomb.
Of course, they enjoyed eating their delicious snack after we talked about it. The guide also had some recommended questions to ask the kids while they eat the treats.
Since there were a lot of great activities to do, I spread it out over 2 days.
The next day we made some really yummy Light of the World snacks. Our marshmallows represented a flashlight or a torch and we talked about how important it is to have a light source when it is dark. (These snacks were sooooo good!! This was my favorite treat.)
We did a fun scripture scramble to help Hailey learn the memory verse- John 1:5- The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it.
As you can see, everything nicely connects together and reinforces the idea that Jesus is the light of the world.
We ended our Egglo fun with a glow in the dark Easter egg hunt. Since we still have snow on the ground, we did it inside once it got dark enough. I charged the eggs under the chandelier in our dining room, then hid them around our house. Hailey and Hunter had a blast finding the eggs!
Once they found all the eggs, Hailey read the Egglo Treasure Scripture Scrolls ($4.29 for 12) that I had placed in the eggs ahead of time.
There is so much that you can do with the products from Egglo Entertainment! It can be hard to come up with ideas and activities for Easter, other than the same old thing that people do year after year. It was nice to have something new to try!
So, here is what it boils down to for me:
Fun, new ideas for Easter activities
Can be used with a wide age range
Everything ties together very nicely to help children understand that Jesus is the light of the world.
The book was a little bit long, which might be an issue for younger children. But, that can be solved by not reading it all at once.
Want to see some more of Egglo Entertainment? Check them out here: