Archive for the ‘Transportation’ Category
Hailey saw this helicopter activity in one of my Mailbox magazines and wanted to try it.
This is a pattern from a Mailbox magazine but it would be pretty easy to draw. I laminated it and cut it out. Then I cut on the dotted line.
Hailey decorated her helicopter with stickers.
I folded the bottom up about a 1/2 inch and put a paper clip on it. Then I folded the top part in opposite directions. Then we held it high up in the air and dropped it. The directions had said to hold it about 5 feet in the air but I had to hold it up next to the ceiling in order for it to spin a couple of times before hitting the ground.
Hailey also made a stop sign. I wrote STOP using a white crayon on a piece of cardstock. Then she painted it red using water colors.
Here’s a picture of Hailey enjoying the town we made yesterday.
Transportation Fun
Continuing with our transportation theme we made a little town with roads for Hailey to drive her cars on.
Hailey placed the roads how she wanted them and then she added some yellow chalk lines. Then I helped her glue the roads where she wanted them.
She decided we should add some water- so we put some water under a couple roads. Then we added some houses.
Hailey’s finished town. Once it is completely dry I am going to put contact paper over it so that she can drive her cars on it.
A few other things we did:
Hailey wrote the color words from the transportation pack from Homeschool Creations.
Hailey made a traffic light.
We did a little experiment to see what it would take to sink a “boat.” I put water in a big mixing bowl, then used a rubbermaid container as the boat. For each item on our list- containers of playdough, crayons, hearts and blocks- Hailey had to guess how many she thought it would take to sink the boat. Then we tested to see how many it actually took.
The “boat.”
Testing to see how many blocks it would take to sink the boat.
Our results.
Linking up here:
The Number Train
Our theme this week is transportation and today we made a train.
I taped together 3 sheets of green construction paper. Then Hailey glued on some railroad tracks.
I put numbers on 10 boxcars to go on the train, so Hailey glued those on in order and added wheels.
Then she added coal to each boxcar. The number of pieces of coal had to match the number on the boxcar.
The finished train.
Hailey did a number match from the Transportation Preschool Pack from Homeschool Creations. I laminated the pieces and she used a dry erase marker to circle the correct number.
School Bus
For our last art project in our transportation theme we made a school bus. Last summer when we did a theme of songs we made a school bus for The Wheels on the Bus. It was really cute so I decided to do the same project again.
Here’s what you’ll need: construction paper- black, blue, white and yellow, glue, scissors, chalk and black marker.
- Leave the blue piece of construction paper whole for the background.
- Cut the yellow piece into the shape of a bus and cut out a yellow rectangle to be the door. Outline the yellow rectangle with the black marker and then draw a line down the middle.
- With the black piece of paper- make a road and draw lines on it with the chalk. Cut out wheels and bumpers for the bus.
- With the white- cut out windows and cut out 2 small circles for the inside of the wheels.
This is Hailey last August working on her school bus. Look at how little she is. I can’t take it! Will someone please slow down this ride???
And here she is now adding a wheel to her school bus.
Adding some windows.
The finished school bus.