Archive for the ‘Farm Animals’ Category
Tot School
Hunter is 13 months old.
It was another busy and fun week at Tot School 🙂 We are still focusing on Farm Animals and learning body parts. I think we will do that for one more week and then move on in February.
Hailey worked with Hunter, trying to teach him the song “Head and Shoulders.” He enjoyed watching and dancing along.
Practicing pointing to his mouth.
Exploring cotton for a Wooly Sheep craft we made to go along with our farm theme. He really seemed to enjoy the cotton.
Hunter did a really good job putting the cotton on for our craft. He kept looking at his hands when the cotton started sticking to his fingers.
Hunter and Hailey’s sheep. You can see the whole post here.
Hunter also made a cow this week. He loved putting the spots and nose on.
The completed cow. You can see the original post here.
Hailey read Hunter a book about animals. He loves this book because it makes the different animal noises. He usually loves to listen to it over and over again, but he was preoccupied with something else this day- and as soon as Hailey finished reading he picked up the book and went and put it on the piano bench and said, “Aaaa daaa!” which is how he says “all done.”
Hunter loves his books! He enjoyed this book all about horses.
Reading another farm animal book.
Hunter was also sick this week 🙁 and had to have some nebulizer breathing treatments. During his treatments he watched Baby Einstein Baby McDonald which all about farms- he loved it!!
Hunter practiced stacking cups.
He loved putting the cups inside of each other and then shaking them. What a fun sound that made!
Hunter also got into some mischief this week:
(Yes, that is my Christmas tree still up. But since I couldn’t keep Hunter out from underneath it we had to take it down. I can’t remember the last time we had our tree down before the end of January, I usually love to keep it up and enjoy the lights as long as possible.)
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots have been up to this last week.
The Spotted Cow
Continuing with our farm theme, we made a cow this week.
We used a paper plate, various pieces to glue onto the cow and a glue stick. I drew eyes onto the plate ahead of time.
I let Hunter check out the plate, which he thought was a lot of fun.
I put glue on the back of the spots and then let Hunter put them onto the plate. He seemed to like the stickiness.
Then he added the nose/mouth. I added the ears and horns.
The finished cow.
Wooly Sheep
Hunter has been learning all about one of his favorite things- farm animals. So today we made a cute little sheep.
Here’s what you’ll need: paper plate, cotton, glue and cut outs for head, legs, tail and eyes.
I let Hunter explore and play with the cotton for a little while. He loved it!
Hailey was off from school for MLK day and so Hunter was showing her his cotton balls. He had so much fun playing with them and of course, throwing them on the floor.
Next I put glue all over the paper plate (I used a glue stick so it wouldn’t be too messy) and I let Hunter check that out. He wasn’t too sure about his hands sticking to the plate.
I showed him how to stick the cotton balls onto the paper plate and then he copied me. He would put a piece on and then use 2 of his fingers to pat it down. It was too cute.
He was having so much fun! I didn’t get a picture, but I put the sheep’s face together and then put glue on the back and let Hunter put it where he wanted it on his plate.
Hailey wanted to make one too, so here she is working on the face for her sheep.
The finished wooly sheep (Hunter’s is on the top and Hailey’s is on the bottom).
Tot School
Hunter is 13 months old.
We had a great week at Tot School this week! We are still focusing on farm animals and learning body parts. Hunter is starting to point to his eyes, nose and mouth when asked. Although he usually misses his eyes and ends up pointing to the side of his head 🙂
Hunter reading a book about farm animals. This is a Lego book and comes with pieces to build the different farm animals.
After we read the book together we built the animals and then Hunter had fun playing with them.
Hunter worked on his farm animal puzzle.
Hailey helped me make a book about feelings for Hunter. (Actual post about the whole process here.)
Hunter LOVED the book! He carried it around and looked at it and when he saw Hailey in the pictures he would say “Hay-Yee!”
I tried to show Hunter how much fun it would be to stack some blocks. He wasn’t interested, and as you can see he ran away so fast he ended up being a blur… which pretty much sums up how fast he always moves hahaha.
He did hold still for a few seconds so he could taste one of the blocks, but he did not want to stack them. Of course a couple days later when my camera wasn’t nearby he decided to practice stacking.
Hunter painted for the first time this week. He painted with farm animals, and he had a great time. It wasn’t too bad at all, the mess was very minimal.
He had to check out his hands when he was done, he was interested in the different colors on his hands.
We had lots of fun together this week!! This age is so fun!!
Check out other fun Tot School posts at 1+1+1=1.