Tot School
Hunter is 14 months old
We had a fun week at Tot School this week! Here’s a peek at some of the things we did:
We made a Valentine’s Day sensory bin that included pictures of our family on heart shaped card stock and some fake rose petals.
Hunter loved seeing the pictures of our family! (See original post here.)
Hunter used a heart shaped cookie cutter to make some heart prints. (Original post here.)
Hunter made this cute Valentine that says “I love you to pieces.” (Original post here.)
Hunter is also learning the color red, so we had a red sensory bin. (Original post here.)
I made this so Hunter could practice his fine motor skills. I just put a little hole in the bottom of each spot on the egg carton and put red pipe cleaner through each hole.
He’s not ready to try to put the pipe cleaner in through the holes yet. That was too hard and just made him frustrated. He handed it to me and wanted me to do it.
He did like pulling the pieces out though and worked on it for several minutes (which is a long time in toddler time).
Hunter also colored for the first time this week. He seemed to enjoy it and was very proud of himself once he finally figured out how to do it. (Original post here.)
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots have been up to this last week.