Archive for April, 2011
Water Colored Easter Egg
We are started our Easter activities today with this really simple craft.
I cut an egg shape out of cardstock. Hailey made some designs on the egg using glue.
We let the glue dry all day.
Then Hailey used watercolors to decorate the egg.
The finished egg.
Letter of the Week- Letter F
Last week our letter was F. Here are some of the things we did:
F is for Fox from Totally Tots.
F is for fire from Homeschool Creations.
Hailey colored her letter F vocab words. Then she cut them out and made it into a book.
She circled the letter Ff in this letter hunt story from Confessions of a Homeschooler.
Here are some of the thing we did from RRSP:
Hailey colored her verse.
She colored her sight word. (This word was actually from a different week- we are catching up a few sight words.)
Practicing her letter F words- seeing how quietly she could say them.
The cut and glue craft for the verse.
Other stuff:
Doing a page in her sight word book for the word “for.”
Doing some number 9 work in one of her Disney workbooks.
Doing a clothespin number match from Confessions of a Homeschooler. Check out the giveaway going on for the K4 Curriculum at Confessions of a Homeschooler!
A lot of times I can only find things like this for 1-10. So I was really excited that Hailey could get some more practice with 11-20.
Science Sunday- Planting and Growing
Last week Hailey learned all about farms. So in addition to doing a bunch of crafts about farm animals we also did a few science experiments about planting and growing.
First we did an experiment to see how much water a seed needs to grow. The cup on the left was a little more than half full of water, the middle cup had just enough water to cover the seeds and the one on the right didn’t have any water. We also put saran wrap over the top of the cups to keep some moisture in.
A few days later we could see something starting to sprout from one of the beans in the cup that had only a small amount of water.
Today (6 days after we started the experiment) several of the beans are starting to sprout in the cup that had a small amount of water. We also seem to be growing some mold. The cup with no water- the beans didn’t do anything. The cup with a lot of water- 2 beans floated to the top but nothing else happened.
We also did an experiment to learn how plants get water through their root system.
We had several carnations and put them in cups with a variety of colors of food coloring mixed with water.
After about 45 minutes we could see the blue starting to show.
About 2 hours later.
The next morning the flower was nice and blue.
We made a pretty bouquet to put on the the table. The blue definitely came out the brightest.
Our last experiment:
We balanced a potato in a jar and put water in the jar. We made sure at least 1/4 of the potato was covered by the water. We started this experiment later in the week and so far nothing has happened. We should start to see some shoots growing out of the bottom sometime soon.
The Chick that Looks Like a Ghost
This is one of those projects that looks a lot cuter inside your head.
I traced Hailey’s foot on yellow paper and she glued it onto another piece of construction paper.
She added some cute little feet.
Then I thought it would look cute if Hailey used her fingerprint as eyes.
But it looked more like a ghost than a chick.
So we added wiggly eyes instead and it looked much better.