Letter of the Week- Letter K
Our letter last week was the letter K. Here are some of the activities we did with the letter K:
Hailey made a K is for Kangaroo that I saw on Totally Tots.
Using the Hershey Kiss she made for Valentine’s Day, Hailey did a K is for Kiss.
I started using Raising Rock Stars Preschool curriculum a few weeks ago and Hailey has been doing great with it! Here are some of our RRSP activities for the letter K.
We start our week out with the memory verse. Hailey enjoyed coloring it.
Hailey cut out her letter K vocabulary words.
This was the first week we used the power point part of RRSP and Hailey loved it!! Here she is pointing to her sight word for the week- “your.”
Hailey practicing writing her the letter K.
Hailey working on her craft to go along with her verse.
Other things we did:
Hailey enjoyed her playdough mat using a printable from Homeschool Creations.
She did the letter K activities on Starfall.
Hailey colored and cut out letter K vocabulary words and turned them into a letter K book.
And here is a little math work in one of her Disney workbooks.