Hershey Kiss and Science Experiments
Hailey made a Hershey Kiss for a cute Valentine’s Day activity. I cut out a Hershey Kiss shape from an old file folder. Hailey wrapped it in foil and then taped it to the back.
Hailey added some eyes to the kiss.
The finished Hershey Kiss.
We did a little color mixing experiment. We froze different colored hearts using food coloring.
Then we put the hearts into clear cups, waited for the ice to melt and checked to see what happened.
Once all the ice melted Hailey filled in our color chart to see what would happen when certain colors were mixed together.
Then we did an experiment with snow. Hailey filled a cool whip container with snow and we brought it inside to see what would happen.
Hailey checked it every hour and made predictions about what she thought would happen next.
Once it was all melted we poured it over a coffee filter to see what would happen. We talked about why the bowl was full of snow and why the water was much lower and we talked about why there was dirt on the coffee filter.
I took pictures of Hailey checking the snow and wrote down her predictions/comments each hour. This will be made into a little booklet.

Hi! Stopping over from Preschool Corner. I love what you did with your color experiment! Great job! Kerri
The Hershey Kiss is cute. I like the science experiments as well. I’ve included your post on my weekly favorites here: http://play2grow.blogspot.com/2011/02/weekly-favorites-for-february-13-2011.html
I’d do the coffee filter experiment, but we might never eat snow ice cream again! 🙂
I like your color mixing experiment. I also like your little book for the snow investigations.
My kids love making little booklets too.
I love freezing food dye for a color mixing experiment.