Archive for the ‘Tot School’ Category
Christmas Crafts
Since it’s almost Easter I thought it would be the perfect time to finally post about some of the crafts we did at Christmas time hahaha. One day I’ll be all caught up with my posting, but today is not that day.
One of the projects we did was with oil pastels on black paper. I found step by step directions for an Oil Pastel Christmas Tree in a Snowstorm. I followed the directions and showed Hailey and Hunter what to do, step by step.
Of course, Harper wanted to be a part of our crafts too.
These pictures are the ones that Hailey, Hunter, and I did. I love how they turned out!!
Our next project was a really cute Reindeer Portrait from ARTventurous. First we drew the reindeer with a black oil pastel.
Then we painted them.
Hunter painted his reindeer too.
Harper painted herself, the table, and her reindeer.
Our completed reindeer.
This Jesus in the Manger is the project I had my preschool class do at Christmas time at our homeschool co-op. This is the picture that Hunter made. They turned out so cute!!
First Day of School!
Hailey- 9/9/15- First day of 4th grade!
“I want to be a dancer and an actress when I grow up.”
Hunter- 9/9/15- First day of Pre-K
“I want to be Batman when I grow up.”
Harper- 9/9/15- First day of Tot School
I’m pretty sure she wants to be a climber when she grows up.
All ready for our first day of co-op! And looking forward to a great year!!
Tot School
Hunter is 31 months old.
I can’t believe we are already at the end of the alphabet! But, here we are at letter Z.
We are mostly on summer vacation now and Hunter has not had much interest in doing school- probably because Hailey isn’t doing any school work, so he doesn’t want to either. But, here are the things we did get done:
Hunter made a Z for Zebra, with some help from Hailey.
He spent some time coloring.
Hunter loves playing with his trains!
He worked on putting together his Interlox.
He wanted me to build a house for Mickey and Minnie.
This toy really frustrates Hunter because he wants to be able to push all of the “nails” down at the same time, but it isn’t possible to do.
Hunter worked on his fishing puzzle.
He also enjoyed playing in the sand and making a sand castle.
Soon I will be sharing what we will be doing for preschool starting in September, so check back to see what we’re going to use for our curriculum.
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots were up to this week.
Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.
Tot School
Hunter is 31 months old.
Letter Y activities:
(Printables for the letter Y are from 1+1+1=1 and Confessions of a Homeschooler.)
Hunter used colored pencils to color his letter Y paper.
Hunter loves the do-a-dot papers and has gotten pretty good at stamping the circles.
He added some letter Y stamps to his Y paper.
We glued yellow yarn onto the letter Y.
Y is for Yo Yo.
Shapes and colors:
Hunter used water colors to decorate his shape paper.
He colored the yo-yos the correct color with his crayons.
Hunter had beads in his sensory bin this week. He used a measuring cup to scoop the beads from one bin to the other.
He put magnetic pom poms onto the Y is for Yarn page.
The pictures in this post are actually from several weeks ago- and it was the week of our last official day of school for Hailey. So, we took some last day of school pictures and this is Hunter on our last day of school.
The top paper in this picture is one that Hunter did on our first day of Tot School back in September and the bottom page is the one he did on the last day of school. It was fun to compare his coloring and his answers to the questions.
Next week we will finish up the alphabet and then we have some other fun activities to do during the summer (until the baby arrives:-)).
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots were up to this week.
Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.