Archive for the ‘Playdough’ Category
Salt Dough Snowman
The other day I wanted to get our playdough out and make snowmen with Hailey. But when I went to get it I realized that we only had one small container of white playdough. So, we made our own.
Salt Dough Recipe
4 cups flour
1 cup salt
1-1/2 cups hot water (from tap)
Mix the salt and flour together, then gradually add the water until the dough becomes elastic.
I actually cut the recipe in half because I didn’t want that much.
Mix everything together.
After you roll the dough into 3 balls, make a snowman and then make a silly face at the camera.
If you want to be able to keep your snowman you can put him in the oven to harden the dough. If you do that- make sure to poke some holes in his sides first for his arms. I put our snowman in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes. He started to crack a little bit so I had to take him out. The outside of the snowman was hard but the inside was still soft. If you try this- I would probably do it at a lower temperature for a longer time. I let the snowman sit out for a few days before we decorated him so the dough would be a little more set.
We added wiggle eyes, a piece of orange felt for the nose, some pink yarn for his mouth and pipe cleaner for his arms. We also added pom poms for his buttons.
For the snowman’s hat- I took one of Hailey’s old socks and cut it.
Then I folded it up- and had a hat.
For the scarf I just braided some yarn.
(The idea for the hat and the scarf came from Just for Fun.)
And here is our finsihed snowman. Isn’t he just the cutest?
Letter of the Week- Review A-D
Last week was a review week for us and we reviewed the letters A, B, C and D.
Each day we did one of these to review a letter. I saved the letters from a project we did during the week when Hailey first learned the letter. And I printed out pictures and words that started with that particular letter.
Hailey working on her letter A page.
The finished letter A page.
Hailey working on her letter B page.
Running out of glue working on the letter C page.
Hailey working on the letter D page.
My mom bought these fun letter shaped cookie cutters for Hailey. So, we used them for several projects. For this one- we used the letters, paint and paper.
Hailey dipped the letters into the paint and then stamped them onto the paper. (And also ate some, as you can see from the green around her mouth.)
We used the cookie cutters to cut out playdough.
And then, of course, we made cookies. Hailey is dumping the sugar into our bowl.
And sampling some of the cookie dough (I only let her do this BEFORE I added the eggs. Do not let your child sample cookie dough with raw eggs in it.)
The finished A, B, C, D cookies.
Be sure to come back everyday when I will post our activities about our theme this month (fall), our color, shape and number (orange, triangles and 3) and our Bible theme (Noah).
Check out 1+1+1=1 for more Tot School ideas.