Archive for the ‘Letter of the Week’ Category

Letter of the Week Letter I


Last week our letter was I.  Hailey was really sick last week and we didn’t get to all of our letter I activities.  Here are the ones we were able to do:

Hailey colored her letter I words that we glue onto index cards and turn into a book (we do this for each letter).  After she finished cutting them out she asked for some blank paper so that she could write all of her words down.  She really enjoys writing.

The rest of her letter I activities are from the Raising Rock Stars Preschool curriculum.

She colored her verse for the week.

She was very proud of how well she stayed in the lines.  I was too!  It’s amazing how well she can do when she doesn’t try to rush.

Then she colored her strong man.

She cut him out and glued him on a piece of construction paper.

She even added some hair.

Here is the finished strong man with her verse for the week.

Hailey practiced writing the letter I.  She loves to write letters!

Then she read the “I Can” book.  She loves books like this because she can figure out how to read them all by herself.

That’s it for the letter I.  Here’s a couple other letter I activities we did in the past.  Hailey is feeling much better this week so our letter of the week post for next week should have more activities.

V is for Volcano


We thought it would be fun to talk about Volcanos to go along with our letter of the week.  So we read some books and looked at pictures and then made our own.

We mixed:
3 cups of flour
1 cup of salt
2 tbsp of cooking oil

We formed our volcano around an empty yogurt container.

Hailey decided to paint her volcano brown.

Once everything was dry we made our volcano erupt.  We mixed:
2 spoonfuls of baking soda
1 spoonful of dish soap
red and yellow food coloring
and when we were ready to set it off- we added the vinegar

(Rich thought it would be fun to mix all of those things together inside a water bottle and then hold his finger over the top while the pressure built up.  Let’s just say it erupted like what an actual volcano probably does and the kitchen was a mess!)

We also started doing the Raising Rock Stars Preschool letter of the week activities that I found over at 1+1+1=1.

Hailey coloring her verse for the week.  The letter V was kind of a hard letter to start with- the verse was hard for her to remember.

Then she colored and cut her One Way sign.

And read the One Way book.

Raising Rock Stars

Letter of the Week- Letter V


Our letter this week is the letter V.  Here are some of the things we did to learn our letter.  I only post the things I am able to take pictures of, but we do a lot more.

First we made a V is for vase.  Hailey started out by coloring some coffee filters.

Then she sprayed the coffee filters with a light mist of water.  After the coffee filters dried I cut out some flowers.

V is for Vase.

Then Hailey cut out various vegetables that we found in the the fliers from our newspaper.

This “V is for vegetables” page will go in our alphabet book.

I got this letter V sheet here and had Hailey stamp all of the letter Vs with her do-a-dot markers.

Musings of Me has a whole Valentine’s Day unit with tons of fun printables.  That’s where this is from.

This is also from Musings of Me- Hailey had to sort the letters based on whether it was a V or some other letter.

I’ll be posting all of our Valentine’s Day projects this week so be sure to check back!

Letter of the Week- Letter P


Our letter of the week last week was the letter P.  Here are some of the activities we did:

We looked through fliers and found things that started with the letter P and Hailey cut them out.

Hailey colored letter P  word cards, cut the pictures out and then glued them onto index cards.

We do these for every letter.  When it’s all dry I staple it together and make a little book.

I saw a cute P is for Peacock over at No Time for Flashcards.  Hailey used her Do-a-Dot markers to decorate the feathers.

The completed P is for Peacock.

Hailey practiced writing the letter P and circled words that started with P.

We made a piano- Hailey drew some lines on a white piece of paper.

She cut some black strips of paper and glued those on.

The completed P is for piano.

We added the letter P to our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree.

Hailey practiced her shapes on this pizza coloring paper.

Then we made a pretend pizza- Hailey painted a paper plate red then added all sorts of toppings.

The finished pizza.

For more fun ideas to do with your preschooler, check these out:

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