Archive for the ‘Easter’ Category
Cross Window Mosaic
Continuing with our Easter theme we made this mosaic today.
I put out a piece of contact paper. Hailey put a cross on it and then added pieces of construction paper in a variety of colors.
She added lots of colors.
I cut it to look like a window in church.
Hailey hung it up on our sliding glass door.
She loved how it turned out!
Palm Branches
We are still doing our Easter theme and this week we’re focusing on the real reason for Easter. Today Hailey learned more about Palm Sunday.
Hailey cut up some pieces from a palm branch that we got at church on Sunday.
The she glued a dirt road onto a piece of construction paper.
People put their coats and palm branches on the road as Jesus road his donkey into Jerusalem so that the donkey would have something soft to walk on.
So Hailey glued some coats onto the road.
She put on her pieces of palm branch that she cut out.
The finished road.
Yarn Egg
We’re continuing our Easter theme this week with this yarn egg.
First Hailey tried to blow up a balloon.
Once it was blown up (not by Hailey) we tied a string on it.
We mixed together equal parts of glue and water…
cut up some Easter colored yarn…
then wrapped the yarn around the balloon. (We put a chair up on the table and then hung the balloon from it so we could work on it.) The Yarn was falling off the balloon, so I remixed the glue/water and used less water.
We probably should have added more yarn to the balloon- but it kept sliding off and I was getting frustrated. If you’ve ever made this before- do you have any idea why the yarn was falling off?
Once it was completely dry we carefully popped the balloon and pulled the balloon out.
Our finished yarn egg hanging in our dining room.
Letter of the Week- Letter E
Our Letter last week was E. Here are some of things we did:
Hailey looked through the various letter E crafts at No Times for Flashcards and decided she wanted to do the Easter Egg E.
Then we made this super cute E is for Elephant using Hailey’s handprint that I saw at Homeschool Creations.
Here is what we did from RRSP:
Hailey showing off her verse that she colored. She can do such a nice job coloring when she takes her time.
Cutting out her vocabulary words.
Practicing writing E.
Hailey loves using her verse to measure. This weeks verse was short so it was much shorter than her- she always has to check and see if she is taller than her verse. She thought it was great that she couldn’t even get it around her head.
Doing her cut and paste craft. We practiced positional words with this activity.
Other stuff we did:
This was an Easter Egg letter match up that I found at 2 Teaching Mommies. While Hailey did this match up she told me the letter sounds too. There are only a few letters left that she doesn’t know the sounds for, meaning we won’t be doing a letter of the week for much longer.
We made a shape book that is from one of my Mailbox magazines. Hailey colored the pages.
I put it together and then Hailey had to flip the top and bottom to match the shapes. This held her interest for about 10 seconds. Which is not nearly as long as it took me to put it together.
We did a Springtime ABC file folder using printables from 1+1+1=1.
The inside of the folder- Hailey had to match the upper and lowercase letters and stick them onto the velcro inside.
The back of the folder, where she can keep all of the letters.
Here is a fill in the number printable from Busy Bee Kids Prinables.
Lastly, I decided to start a journal with Hailey last Monday. I asked her what her favorite thing was that she had done over the weekend. She gave me her answer, I wrote it down and she copied it into her journal. Then she drew a picture to go with it.
She was so proud of her journal. She asked almost everyday to write in it again. She loved it!