Archive for the ‘Colors’ Category

Puffy Paint Shamrock


Puffy Paint is so much fun!  Messy- yes, but worth the fun!

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

You need glue, green paint and shaving cream.  We also had a paper plate to mix everything on and a shamrock shape.  I used a cereal box to cut out the shamrock so that it would be a little sturdier.

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Mix the shaving cream, glue and paint.  I have also used food coloring to color the puffy paint, but it stains the skin and takes a while to come off, so I prefer to use paint.

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Mix it all together.

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Let the fun begin 🙂

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Yay!  Hunter loved it!!

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Hailey worked very carefully on her shamrock.

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Hunter painted his tummy while I was taking a picture of Hailey’s work.

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Hailey’s completed shamrock.  When it dries the paint stays puffy and it so neat!

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Hunter’s completed shamrock… He played with his paint so much that it lost its puffiness, which is fine because he had fun.  But if you want it to stay puffy don’t play with it too much.

See the rest of our St. Patrick’s Day activities that we have done.

I just started a Pinterest page and a Facebook page, so please stop by and follow me to make sure you don’t miss any of our fun activities.

Collage Shamrock


Since Saint Patrick’s Day is only a few days away and because Hunter is learning the color green, I thought it would be fun to make a shamrock using all different green collage materials.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

 First I gathered our supplies- glue, shamrock shaped paper and all the green things I could find.

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Next they used the do-a-dot markers to decorate the shamrock.

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 Add on some green collage materials.  Hunter loved this!  I put the glue on his shamrock and then he put the pieces on.  He kept picking them up and moving them around.  This kept his attention for quite a while.

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 Hailey worked for a long time on hers too, she had to position everything just right.

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Hailey’s completed shamrock.

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Hunter’s completed shamrock.

Tot School


Tot School

Hunter is 14.5 months old

It was another week of sickness at our house 🙁  The only healthy day we had was Monday.  So, there wasn’t a whole lot of Tot School being done again.

Our theme this week was the color green and St. Patrick’s Day.


On Monday Hunter enjoyed playing with his green sensory bin.  He even brought the peas with him when we went to Hailey’s swimming lessons.  Most of Monday was spent doing errands, so that was all we did on Monday.  Tues- Thurs Hunter was too sick to do any Tot School- he had a fever and felt awful and just wanted to be held and snuggled all day.

By Friday Hunter was feeling better, although he was still quite whiny, and Hailey woke up sick.  We did do some Tot School on Friday, so here are a few pictures of what we did get done:


Hunter made this green Shamrock Suncatcher (original post here.)  Hunter loved the sticky contact paper and really understood what he was supposed to do.  When he would run out of pieces of tissue paper he would sign “more” and wait for more pieces to add.

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I put it up on our sliding glass door that goes to our deck and Hunter loves looking at it!

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 I saw this idea on How We Montessori so I thought we would try it out.  I gave Hunter some of his yogurt melts to put in the tube, which he loved!  We also tried several of his smaller blocks and some of those fit as well.  I think the thing Hunter liked most about this activity was tearing the tape off and carrying it around.  We did this on Friday and he is still carrying around the blue tape today (Sunday).  I think he loves the sticky feeling.


We also made these Discovery Bottles- Hailey made one too and then decided she should write their names on the bottles so they wouldn’t get mixed up.  Inside each bottle is a St. Patrick’s Day necklace (from the dollar section at Target), pipe cleaner, beads, tissue paper, foam letters to spell their names, yarn and anything else I could find that was green.


The most important thing is that the bottle make noise when Hunter shakes it.  He doesn’t like his Discovery Bottles with liquid in them as much as he likes the ones that rattle when he shakes them.

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Lastly I used an old wipes container and gave Hunter small rings to push inside.  He absolutely loved this activity and it was definitely his favorite of the week.  He sat and played with this for sooooo long!  He would fill it up with his rings, I would empty it and he would do it again.  Over and over and over!

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And of course he had to shake it to see what kinds of noises it made.

Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots were up to this week.  I hope we are back with a nice healthy week next week!

I just started a Facebook and a Pinterest page, so be sure to stop by and follow me.

Tot School


Tot School

Hunter is 14.5 months old

We missed a week of Tot School because Hunter was sick 🙁  He had a cold that turned into an ear infection and he was just miserable.  So, we took it easy for a week.  We were back to work this week though and had a fun week.

Our theme was transportation and we were still focusing on the color red.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Hunter worked on a transportation puzzle.  When he put the piece in the correct spot he got to hear the sound that the vehicle mades.  He loved it!

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He had to stop working for a minute to suck on his toe 😉

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Hunter also has this toy, when he matches up the vehicle it makes the sound of the vehicle.  He usually needs help matching them up, but he gets so excited when he hears the sound.

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We also read some books about transportation.  This is one of his Lego books, where we can look at the pictures and build the vehicles.

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The airplane and the car we made with Legos.

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Hunter also tried out the train he got for Christmas.

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He’s still not quite ready for it 🙂  He prefers to just take it apart.

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Hunter loved this parking garage.  He had a lot of fun with all of his vehicles on the ramp.

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Hunter painted with a car.

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Hailey wanted to make a picture using a car too.  You can see Hunter in the background eating the paint off of his car.

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Hunter used the d0-a-dot markers for the first time.  He LOVED it!!  He was not happy when it was time to put it away.

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Sorting some yogurt melts into an ice cube tray.

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Hailey and Hunter made these in celebration of Dr. Seuss’s birthday.

Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots have been up to this week.

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