La La Logic Review
Preschool has been a bit of a challenge for us this year. Last year when we did Tot School, Hunter begged to do school every day like Hailey did. This year has been completely different. He’s decided that he doesn’t like school and he doesn’t want to do it. Since he’s only three, I haven’t pushed anything and I just let him play. But, I’ve been looking for some ways to sneak school in, where he thinks he’s just playing but he’s really learning. So, when I was offered a chance to review La La Logic, a Preschool Curriculum that uses puzzles and activities to teach, I was super excited to give it a try!

Each week you have an agenda to work on with your child. This is an example of what week 2 of Hunter’s agenda looked like. Every week there is a brain challenge- this is the part where the child does games, puzzles, and other activities online. The games are based on concepts you might see in IQ testing for children. These games can be done on your computer (PC or Mac) or on your iPad or tablet. There is a suggested weekly schedule, but of course you can do what works well for you. The enrichment set listed on the schedule is something you download. Some weeks there will be games to play. There might be a story to read with activities to go with it. There could be a worksheet to practice writing, cutting, sorting, etc. You get can do all of the activities, some of the activities, or just one. At the end of the week you check off that the week is complete and add some notes if you want to. Everything is very clearly laid out and very easy to navigate.

These are some of the games that your child will see during the brain challenge.

These are some examples of the worksheets you might see when you download your activities for the week.
So, how did we use La La Logic?
We tried the brain challenge on my laptop at first, but that was hard for Hunter to do. Since he’s only 3 he doesn’t quite have the coordination yet. So, I had him try it on my tablet and that was perfect! He was able to click on the screen or swipe the screen to play the games and that was much easier for him. He really enjoyed all of the games. In this picture he is playing one of his favorites- he loves this one because when he gets the answer correct there is a little monkey on the screen that dances.
This is a screen shot of the monkey that Hunter loves. Hunter laughs every time the monkey dances.
This is an example of one of the enrichment activities that Hunter did. We cut out the different insects and then he matched them up with their shadows.
This was definitely Hunter’s favorite enrichment activity. I put out 5 different toys and had him look at the toys. Then I told him to go into his room.
I hid one of the toys and called him back out of his room. He came running out, so excited to see if he could figure out which character was missing. We played this game over and over!
Some activities I thought would be too hard for him to do, like this one. But, he surprised me and did it. He had to draw a line from each child to a balloon to see if there were enough balloons for all of the kids to have one.
Another example of an enrichment activity- each shape had to be colored a certain color. I colored in the key for him, but then he did the worksheet by himself.
Another fun activity we did was to practice showing different emotions- Hunter had a great time with that too 🙂
La La Logic is an amazing early learning program! I asked Hunter what he thought of it before I wrote my review and he said, “Let’s play it now!” So, for him to say that is huge- because if he thinks he is “doing school” he doesn’t want any part of it. He didn’t realize he was practicing his problem solving or critical thinking skills- he thought he was just playing games with mommy. Even the worksheets seemed like games to him.
I absolutely love La La Logic and I very highly recommend it!!
Want to see some more of La La Logic: