Preschool in Review
So, what has Hunter been up to the last couple of months? He still says that school is boring and he doesn’t want to do any school. While Hailey does school I usually set up some learning type activities and manipulatives for him to use to keep him busy. He thinks he’s just playing, but I know he’s learning 🙂 Here is a little sample of some of the things he has been doing: (It’s funny to see him using a pacifier in some of the pictures since he finally gave it up back in the beginning of December. I was beginning to think he’d have it forever.)
Hunter has a great time building with these.
He made lots of different towers.
Mickey and Minnie got to check out his building.
Using pegs to work on the letters in his name.
We made some cute turkeys back at Thanksgiving time and Hunter actually decided he would participate in a craft.
Everyone in the family had a turkey. On the front is a little pocket. We put little notes inside the pocket to say why we were thankful for each other.
Hunter’s turkey
Another Thanksgiving activity that Hailey did was to disguise a turkey as a pigeon. Hunter wanted to make one too.
Hunter’s finished pigeon.
Hunter absolutely loves this book! He was a little sad the first time we read it when I told him there weren’t any pictures in it. But very soon he was laughing and really enjoying the book.
He worked on a train puzzle.
We set up a Christmas tree in our classroom. (It was pajama day :-))
Hunter really enjoys the gears.
Practicing some cutting
Working on an ABC puzzle
So, even though Hunter isn’t doing any “school” these days, he’s been keeping pretty busy 🙂

Oh I LOVE your turkey crafts!!