Contraction Review
Hailey needed a little contraction review, so here are some of the fun activities we did to review:
We played a matching game. First she turned over a blue card, which had the contraction on it. Then she turned over a pink card and purple card, trying to find the words that made up the contraction.
The person with the most matches won. Hailey really liked this game and requested to play it several times.
We made these, which are a great visual of contractions and how the first word always stays the same.
Here’s a look at one of the finished papers. (Inspiration credit: Pinterest)
As a fun wrap up to our contraction review we did word surgery, using an idea I found at Buzzing About Second Grade. Hailey (and Hunter too :-)) dressed up as surgeons to perform surgery.
Hailey getting ready to do surgery.
The surgeon at work.
Stitching up her patient (using a band aid as the apostrophe).
She performed several successful surgeries and really loved the activity!