Preschool Week in Review
I am so far behind in my preschool posts that I see the calendar in my pictures with September 16th on it! But we are going to take a little break from preschool for now. Almost every day Hunter says that school is boring and he wants to just play. So, we are going to take a few weeks off from preschool and see if he changes his mind. Last year he loved doing school, but this year he wants to play with his trains all day. So, that is fine and I will wait until he wants to do school again.
But, for now- here are a few of things we did.
Our letter was A.
We read this book and listened to the CD that goes with it. The CD is really cute!
Hunter colored a letter A paper.
We are going to make an alphabet book full of crafts, with one for each letter. For A, we made A is for Apple.
We added the letter A to our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree. Then Hunter swatted the letter A.
Hunter has a little book that is the same as the big book of The Adventures of Abby Alligator. He colored his copy of the book.
Our Bible story was about Adam and Eve, so I used the printables I found here. I lamintated them and put magnets on the back so we can use them on our white board.
Math and Manipulatives:
Hunter doing his fishing puzzle.
Trying out a new manipulative- Wedgits.
We did math using Farmland math and Hunter really enjoys it!
Hopefully our preschool posts will be back soon. For now, be sure to stop back to see the crafts we are planning to do and see what Hailey is busy doing in 3rd grade.
Check out what the other tots and preschoolers have been up to over the last week at 1+1+1=1 and Homeschool Creations.