Preschool Week in Review
We had a fun filled week in preschool… although this post is a few weeks old because I am having a hard time fitting blogging into everything else that I have going on right now. Anyway, here are some of the things Hunter did in preschool:
We are using Little Hands to Heaven from Heart of Dakota and our letter for the week was A.
Hunter looking at the A page in Big Thoughts for Little People.
Gluing some Apple Jacks onto the letter A.
Woody took a little walk on the letter A that I put on the floor.
Our Bible Story was Adam and Eve:
We talked about how God made everything. We went into a dark room and I said “Let there be light” and then turned the light on.
We drew some pictures using white crayon.
Then Hunter painted over the white crayon with water colors.
His picture showed how things appeared from nothing.
We also talked about the serpent and how he deceived Eve. Hunter ran back and forth jumping over the snake.
Practicing counting
We are making a counting book and for our first page we added 1 tree.
I drew three circles on a page and then Hunter colored in the circles with the matching color. Then he sorted some pegs onto the correct circles.
Hunter checking out some dinosaurs
His sensory bin for the week
Woody came to school one day 🙂
Check out what the other tots and preschoolers have been up to over the last week at 1+1+1=1 and Homeschool Creations.

What fun preschool activities! We just LOVE crayon resist painting! 🙂
Little hearts looks like a fun guide! That little miss minnie sitting in the corner is the most precious thing. I don’t know how you get anything done I would just want to play with her all day.