Third Grade- Week in Review
Here is a look at some of the things Hailey has been learning:
Hailey loves Grapevine for Bible and says it is one of her favorite subjects. She drew a picture of her favorite part of the lesson from the week on this page.
Language Arts:
Hailey is reading Cappyboppy, which we are both enjoying.
She is also working on learning cursive, which she is not enjoying. I think this is the worst part of our day- she hates it 🙁
We did some dictionary review.
We are both loving our science curriculum! There is always a short and easy experiment and we both really liked the one from this day. We positioned a DVD behind a lit candle and we could see the rainbow. It was so neat and really taught the lesson of the day (about how white light is made up of all of the colors)!
Here is one of the pages in Hailey’s science journal as she learns about how light works and how we see colors.
We also had a lesson about how when you look at something like a red flower why you only see the color red, so Hailey drew a picture in her journal about that too. She drew all of the colors of the rainbow coming out of a light source and then the red light being reflected off to the person’s eye. The rest of the colors are absorbed, so we don’t see them.
Hailey learned about Connecticut and used her Little Passports magazine to do some activities.
She also used her USA Sticker book to learn more about Connecticut.
Just for fun:
One day Elsa and Snow White came to school 🙂