Heart of Dakota- BLHFHG Unit 12
This post is actually about what we worked on the week before our Christmas vacation and I am finally getting around to posting it. We had a wonderful break and it was so nice to relax and just do a whole lot of nothing! So, here is what we did the week before break:
Hailey did some mapping practice by drawing a key and then following my directions about where to add various things to her map.
We have been learning about Pilgrims and Indians. This week we learned how Indians would write stories by drawing pictures in a circle. Hailey drew her own story, telling the story of how a seed grows into a flower.
In science we talked about how germs are spread and why so many of the Pilgrims died during their first winter here. We did a little experiment to demonstrate how important it is to cover our coughs and sneezes. Hailey ripped up some paper to represent germs and put the pieces in a cup. When I said “achoo” she shook the cup and the germs flew out all over the place.
We tried it again, and this time she covered the cup when I said, “achoo.” The germs stayed inside.
Language Arts:
We finished up our fun gingerbread unit and then Hailey made her own gingerbread man.
He turned out cute and yummy 😉
One day we found Bobby, our elf, on the top of our classroom tree. We thought maybe he was trying to tell us that it was time add a star.
Hailey and Hunter worked together and painted a star for our tree and then added a bit of glitter.
Our beautiful star.
Hailey and Hunter also worked hard to finish our nativity scene.
The completed nativity scene.
It was a nice week and we had a wonderful time having 2 weeks of vacation for Christmas. Now it’s time to get back to work!
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