
Father’s Day Interview

A couple of years ago Hailey did a Father’s Day Interview for my dad on Father’s Day.  My dad mentioned that he would like to have another one to see what her new answers would be.  So, we used the same questions and did an interview again.  When she did this 2 years ago I just typed up all the answers.  Now that she is old enough to write, she wrote out her answers, which I think adds to the cuteness.

Father's Day Interview

Our interview questions say:

I really love it when my Pa…
My Pa likes to wear…
My Pa always…
The best thing he does is…
It makes him happy when…
My Pa likes to relax by…
I like when he…
What is your favorite thing about Pa?
What does Pa like to eat?
What does Pa like to do in his free time?
My Pa’s favorite thing to watch on TV is…
If he could go on a trip he would go to…
What do you do at Pa’s house that you can’t do anywhere else?
I love my Pa because…
What does Pa do to show you that he loves you?

I had her write her answers (in pencil, so we could fix mistakes without any frustration) and draw her pictures on a piece of regular paper.  When she was done I copied it onto card stock so that it won’t fade or smear over time.  Then she picked out a piece of scrapbook paper and glued her interview questions onto the scrapbook paper.

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