Tot School
Hunter is 15 1/2 months old
It was a busy week at Tot School last week. The week started with the stomach bug for Hunter, add some yucky stress and worry about other stuff, preparations for Easter, then the week ended with the stomach bug for Hailey. It was not a week I want to repeat. But we did manage to get some Tot School done. Our theme for the week was Easter.
Our mall has this little soft play area that Hunter enjoys playing in.
We had to go to the mall a couple of times last week, so Hunter had a lot of fun playing in the play area!
Hunter loved playing with the plastic Easter eggs. He would put them in the egg carton…
…dump them out and repeat.
Hunter loves water play, so he had a great time playing with his eggs in the water. It’s really not that messy if you only use a small amount of water and most kids love it. This kept his attention for a long time!
We put some macaroni into a couple of the eggs and then I taped them shut.
Hunter loved shaking his noisy eggs.
Rolling the eggs down the ramp.
Of course we dyed Easter eggs, which Hunter really loved!
And then he squished his egg apart.
Hunter made this cute Little Chick. (See full post here.)
He also made the Empty Tomb. (See full post here.)
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots were up to this week.
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