Tot School
Hunter is 15 months old
Our focus this week was still on the color green and our theme was Easter.
I made this little box using a shoe box- I just cut some holes and added the colored tape just to make the holes stand out a little bit.
Then I gave Hunter some items to put into the holes- this kept his attention for a pretty long time.
I cut up paper towel tubes and put them into a muffin tin and put it down on the floor (idea from Pinterest). Hunter went over to it and sat by it, but didn’t know what to think of it.
Once I started taking some out he joined in and took them out and put them back in.
He tried really hard to put the tube back together. This only kept his attention for a short time.
Hunter practiced coloring with a green crayon.
He liked making it roll, he thought that was fun.
We made this adorable little green frog (see full post here).
After doing lots of practicing the color green, I think Hunter gets it. On Saturday I asked him to give me a green toy- he went and looked through his toys and found a green toy for me. Then I had him do it again, giving a green toy to Hailey and then one to Rich. I was so excited!
We also made this really cute Easter Eggs (that I found on Pinterest) using strips of scrap paper. (See the full post here.)
This is Hunter’s completed egg, he put the strips down just how he wanted.
We also made Easter Eggs by putting painters tape onto a piece of paper…
Then Hunter colored it with wet chalk (idea from Pinterest). When we took the tape off it made a really cute design. (See full post here.)
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots were up to this week.
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