Archive for October, 2012

Fire Truck


Since last week was Fire Safety Week we did some fire safety art projects.  I had a bunch of them planned but we got busy and ran out of time to do everything.  I do have a couple of ideas to share though.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Put some yellow and red paint on a piece of paper.

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Spread and mix the paint using a cotton ball until it looks like fire.  I ended up having to add more yellow to try to get the orange look I was hoping for.

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Then cut out some pieces to make a fire truck

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Glue the fire truck together.

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Glue the fire truck onto the fire.

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The finished fire truck.

Letter of the Week- Letter C


Our letter last week was the letter C.

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We colored the letter C template.

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Hailey worked on making a C is for Clock that I found at Homeschool Creations.

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Here is our finished Cc is for Clock.  I printed the clock face from here and Hailey cut it out.  We added some hands to the clock.  Then we added a pendulum which is just yarn and construction paper.  Then I cut out a little clock base for her to glue on.

I had a lot of other letter C activities planned for last week but time just got away from us.  We had places to go almost everyday.  Plus last week was Hailey’s 3rd birthday.  So, we just ran out of time to get any other letter C activities done. We did manage to get some of our Fire Safety activities done, so check back to see what we did.

"Where is the Leaf" Book


We made a book called “Where is the Leaf” to practice words like on, in, over, behind and under.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

First Hailey colored the pictures.

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Then she cut the pages apart.

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The cover of the book.

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Hailed added a leaf sticker in the box and then glued a flap on to the top of the box.

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A leaf sticker on the dog.

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Hailey put a leaf sticker under the table and then glued on a tablecloth flap.

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Leaf sticker above the cat.

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And behind me- open the flap and there is another leaf sticker.

We also practiced some patterns:

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Hailey had to match up the items on to the card and then figure out what was supposed to go into the empty box.

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Pattern practice with squirrels.

Parts of the Tree


While learning about fall, we did a lesson on learning the names of the parts of the tree.

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Here’s what you’ll need: tree shape, leave stickers, words to label the parts and glue.

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Glue the tree on.

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Add leaves to your tree.

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Glue on the names of the parts of the tree.

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The finished tree.

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